Technical User
Our Proliant 3000 recieved en errormessage one night.
Black screen and some lines in the upper part of the screen. It said something about general fault (something about hardware and parity if i remember correctly).
After reboot it went fine, until the next night (03:30). Same message.
I thought it was something with the memory and tried switching them back and forth. Tried removing 2 out of 3 DIMM:s. Server seemed to work fine. The next day it got stuck again. Now with a completely blank screen.
After another reboot the server seems to boot fine (no beeps or errors on the discs). The screen is still blank though and the server won´t respond.
What´s wrong? /Sören
Black screen and some lines in the upper part of the screen. It said something about general fault (something about hardware and parity if i remember correctly).
After reboot it went fine, until the next night (03:30). Same message.
I thought it was something with the memory and tried switching them back and forth. Tried removing 2 out of 3 DIMM:s. Server seemed to work fine. The next day it got stuck again. Now with a completely blank screen.
After another reboot the server seems to boot fine (no beeps or errors on the discs). The screen is still blank though and the server won´t respond.
What´s wrong? /Sören