I've got a ProLiant 1600/550MHz & ML370/600MHz that I'm trying to change out the standard power supply for the Hot Plug Cage w/ 3 Redundant Supplies. Has anyone done this successfully? I've got the parts from Compaq (297989-001(cage) & 283623-001(Redundant power supply x 3)) but am having trouble figuring out the wiring. The standard supply has a cable that runs from the supply to the Power Switch (the button you press to turn the server on). The Redundant Power Supply Cage has no such cable.
I spoke with Compaq Tech Support for an hour and the tech suggested that I order Spare Part Number 271929-001 which is a new power switch, but looks exactly like what's in the servers now. What a PITA...
If you've done this before I'd appreciate your help.
I spoke with Compaq Tech Support for an hour and the tech suggested that I order Spare Part Number 271929-001 which is a new power switch, but looks exactly like what's in the servers now. What a PITA...
If you've done this before I'd appreciate your help.