I have created a small database calle Project Manager. We use it so people can manage their projects. The can add new projects and/or add task under each project. I have the project name and the manager incharge in one table tblProjectHeader all the task are in asecond table called tblProjectDetails. I made a test project to show the employees how ot use it so I craeted 4 tasks under my test project. The task ID is set to auto number so it assigned numbers 1-4. When i went back to add a real project which contained 4 tasks it assigned 5-8 as the task ID.
How can I get the tasks on each project to be numbered from 1 to ????. I want each new project to have a sequential task number starting with 1.
Project 1
1 task a
2 task b
3 task c
Project 2
1 task a
2 task b
3 task c
I hope this is clear if not I can expand on it.
How can I get the tasks on each project to be numbered from 1 to ????. I want each new project to have a sequential task number starting with 1.
Project 1
1 task a
2 task b
3 task c
Project 2
1 task a
2 task b
3 task c
I hope this is clear if not I can expand on it.