The Unattended Execution and Retain Instance options in the General Tab of the Project/Properties Dialog Box are Greyed Out.
I'm building a IIS project and I'm using a WebClass. I've read in a book and online references that these should be selected ( therefore avialable to me).
I'm Using VB 6.0 and the book is also for VB 6.0.
What would cause this? Brawn
"My mind is my Shrine,
and my body the Temple around it."
I'm building a IIS project and I'm using a WebClass. I've read in a book and online references that these should be selected ( therefore avialable to me).
I'm Using VB 6.0 and the book is also for VB 6.0.
What would cause this? Brawn
"My mind is my Shrine,
and my body the Temple around it."