In our new architecture, it has been told that all the old .BAT files used to connect network drives, set environment variables, etc... have to be change in .VBS scripts. I have a question about that :
Does anyone knows a solution to display a window or dialog that could inform the user the percentage of job done.
I'm look for a solution of that kind :
object that i need
If someone know the object that i need this sould be great. But all other solutions are welcome (ie : a dialog that once can open, change message and then close). For the moment, the only solution I found is the
method. But the problem with it is that I must call it many times to achieve what I want leading to many flashing dialogs that apears and diseapear.
Any help would be greatly appreeciated. Water is not bad as soon as it stays out human body ;-)
Does anyone knows a solution to display a window or dialog that could inform the user the percentage of job done.
I'm look for a solution of that kind :
Set gauge=CreateObject("
gauge.setLabel("beginning job")
gauge.setLabel("connecting network drives")
for i=1 to 100
If someone know the object that i need this sould be great. But all other solutions are welcome (ie : a dialog that once can open, change message and then close). For the moment, the only solution I found is the
WshShell.Popup Message, TimeBeforeClose , Title , type
Any help would be greatly appreeciated. Water is not bad as soon as it stays out human body ;-)