I am looking for a Web Site with programming Standards. Does anyone know of one that I can look at .. unbiased, in general? I'd like for the standard to conform to the ANSI COBOL standard.<br>
Thank you!
During the 30+ years that I've been programming in COBOL, I have found that the standards that were set out in a line of programming texts by Shelley & Cashman to be the best that I've ever seen (and worked with).
Also had seen another web site yesterday with more standards, but haven't found it again to give you that link. I'll try to look again later today.
I agree with Dave. I taught from a Shelley & Cashman text many years ago. Their style was one I really grew to like. Of course, that was pre-85 standard etc. Don't know what's out there now.
If I understand your post correctly, you are looking for a set of coding standards, by which I/you mean, a set of standards that guide one in coding programs so that you can achieve a level of uniformity and simplicity in organization and content that promote clarity and efficiency in your programming (sorry about being long-winded - trying to be accurate).
If so, I strongly suggest you visit the following web site
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