I manage a very large restaurant which contains 4 bars. Each bar has at least 2 bartenders and at most 4 bartenders behind it on any given night. There is at least one register behind each bar. I need to allow the bartenders working behind any particular bar to access all checks/ tabs associated with that bar regardless of which employee started the tab. How would I go about doing this while still protecting the cash registers and not sharing employee numbers with other employees? We operate at a very high volume so having to search for a tab through three different employee numbers is putting my girls in the weeds. Any help would be appreciated!
Thank you
I manage a very large restaurant which contains 4 bars. Each bar has at least 2 bartenders and at most 4 bartenders behind it on any given night. There is at least one register behind each bar. I need to allow the bartenders working behind any particular bar to access all checks/ tabs associated with that bar regardless of which employee started the tab. How would I go about doing this while still protecting the cash registers and not sharing employee numbers with other employees? We operate at a very high volume so having to search for a tab through three different employee numbers is putting my girls in the weeds. Any help would be appreciated!
Thank you