I have a ACS R4 and a Partner Mail Release 3. Can anyone tell me how to assign the extensions of the ACS to the voicemail box on the Partner Mail?
First, determine the extension numbers of the voice mail ports.
The system see a Partner Mail VS as a 6 port card, no matter how many ports it has. The active ports are the last two, or the last four if you have a 4-port expansion card in the PMVS.
If you only have an ACS in the center slot of the carrier, and the PMVS in the 1st slot, and the PMVS is 2 port, your Voice Mail ports are 22 and 23. (The ACS is 10-17, so the "6-port" card in slot 1 is 18-23, and the last two ports are 22 and 23)
Now at Ext. 10 or 11:
Feature 00-System Program-System Program
Assign the VM ports to Hunt Group 7:
#505-7-XX-1 (where XX is the Voice Mail Extension Port. Do this for each VM Port)
Set the Transfer Return Extension to Ext. 10:
#306-XX-10 (again, do for each VM port)
I like to remove auto privacy from VM ports, so that if you miss answering a call picked up by the Auto Attendant, you can interrupt it:
Now you PMVS should be working. To assign a VMBX to an Extension, #310-XX-1 (where XX is the Extension with a Mailbox.) In the System Administrator's mailbox, make sure that the mailbox exsists, and if not, create it.
If this is clear-as-mud, post your other questions.
Hey, I just looked more closely at your original post. Sorry, I interprted it as a Partner Mail _VS_ R3. Well, all the programming is the same, but as far as determining the VM ports, it is just whatever ports on the ACS and expansion cards are connected to your Partner Mail R3.
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