How do I programmatically execute an "auto-fill" for a drop-down list?<br><br>For example, say I populate a combo-box with the contents of a field from a table. If my table has 100 records and the particular option the user is looking for is 100, then the user has to scroll down (using arrows on combo-box) to the very last item). I would like instead for them to either use the drop-down list and scrolling or if they could begin to type, the box would auto-fill with potential matches as they type.<br><br>Example: User types an C (program responds by completing the box with the first avaible item from combo-box that starts with a C).<br><br> If user then types an a (program responds by completing the box with the first available item from combo-box that starts with a "Ca".<br><br> You get the idea..right? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!<br><br>Renae<br><br>