Someone developed software:
Some people are too smart for their own good, while at the same time, too stupid to realize how dumb they really are!
Programmer pinched for extortion plot
They have forbid him to use a computer until his court date. Now what are the odds this guy will comply?
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance. ~George Bernard Shaw
Consultant/Custom Forms & PL/SQL - Oracle 8i & 9i - Windows 2000
claiming it would expose vulnerabilities in Google's system. Then he tried to sell it to Google. When they declined, he......that would roam the Web and fraudulently click on ads belonging to Google and its advertisers, potentially costing the search giant millions.
sent an e-mail saying if Google didn't pay him the $100,000, he would sell the software to spammers and the public at large, who would then generate fake advertising hits, costing Google millions in advertising dollars.
Some people are too smart for their own good, while at the same time, too stupid to realize how dumb they really are!
Programmer pinched for extortion plot
They have forbid him to use a computer until his court date. Now what are the odds this guy will comply?
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance. ~George Bernard Shaw
Consultant/Custom Forms & PL/SQL - Oracle 8i & 9i - Windows 2000