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Programmatically Call a Method Usually Triggered by an Event 2

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Feb 6, 2001
Suppose I have a Windows Form containing a button SetValues, and I have written code for the SetValues.Click method that assigns values to a number of variables. However, I would like the SetValues.Click code to execute when a user performs some other action as well--say, when she clicks in TextBox1. Is there any way to "call" the SetValues.Click--that is, to raise the SetValues Click event--programmatically? Or must I create a user-defined method containing the code that I want to execute, and call that method both from the SetValues.Click and TextBox1.Click?
I usually put the code into a separate SUB that can be executed from both places but if you really need to simulate a Click then try
in your textbox event.
It will work only if the button lah Enabled=True. I do not know if it must also have Visble=True.
Forms/Controls Resizing/Tabbing Control
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Thanks, John! I just wish there were a few more "Perform" possibilities. I'm coming to VB.NET from Visual FoxPro, in which one can call any method from any other method.
Well, you can check out the ONxxx methods provided for some classes. There is an OnClick for a button but you must pass a System.eventargs arugment. I have not had need to use these ONxxx methods so I can not comment on the necessary setup before calling them. It seems they are present for Inheritors. Forms/Controls Resizing/Tabbing Control
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You can call the even procedure, you just have to supply the sender and event arguments yourself. The sender is easy as it is the control whose event you are simulating; the event argumenents can be a little more tricky but with the IntlliSense provided by the IDE is not to difficult.

TrAttributes_BeforeExpand(TrAttributes, New TreeViewCancelEventArgs(DropNode, False, TreeViewAction.Expand))

TrAttibutes as a treeview control.
DropNode is the node to be expanded.

Or, to call the Button Click event:

Where cmdExit = Button

Call cmdExit_Click(cmdExit, New EventArgs())
Unless I am missing your intention, why not create your procedure and definr the events you want to handle.

private sub SetValues('your params depending on tthe type of event) Handles cmdSetValues.Click, text1.enter

You'd still have to pass the same/necessary eventargs to call that function/event through code but I agree it's nice to be able to combine multiple click events in to one sub.
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