I’m new to VB & using t for the last 5-6 months to create small applications. I have seen the power of VB for this short period & strongly believe that there must be a way of building a programmable (data capture application using it with VBScript language.
Before my questions, I’ll explain what I have planned so that you have a basic background about the application.
I have decided to divide this application into 3 main areas (applications).
1. StructureApplication
At this stage users allow to create a structure file (.DAT) with few built in validations (i.e. field
Lengths, field types, MustKey etc. etc.)
Current structures of these .DAT files are as follows.
Pos 1-25 Label for text box
Pos 26 Line# used to determine where to place the field
Pos 27 field type (N=Numeric,C=Char,A=Alpha)
Pos 28 Must key field (Y/N)
Pos 29 Visible (Y/N)
Pos 30-34 Range (apply only if pos 27=N)
Pos 35 Same form (if Y then field should display in the
current form if N should be on the next form)
Here is a sample of a DAT file.
Title 1CNY Y
First name 2CNY Y
Last Name 3CYY Y
No of items Purchased 4NYY01-10Y
2. ProgramApplication
At this stage users (probelly a programmer) allow to build form(s) using above .DAT file (form(s) should visible it to user at this stage – same as a normal VB FORM) & write their own validations using VB script for each field. (Hoping to save these validations in a separate TXT file or an Access.MDB)
3. DataCaptureApplication
At this stage data-entry operators should allow to enter data using form(s) created in above step 2 (along with built in/user validations for each field)
And finally here my questions... hope someone knows the answers & like to help.
How to invoke built in validation? (i.e. if pos 28=“Y” (MustKey) then that field shod not left blank at DataCaptureApplication
Can I build form(s) without using Visual Basic in step 2? (Forms consists only text boxes & labels)
If yes pls. give me an example of how this can be done.
Any help would greatly appreciated.
Thanks you very much for your time.
Before my questions, I’ll explain what I have planned so that you have a basic background about the application.
I have decided to divide this application into 3 main areas (applications).
1. StructureApplication
At this stage users allow to create a structure file (.DAT) with few built in validations (i.e. field
Lengths, field types, MustKey etc. etc.)
Current structures of these .DAT files are as follows.
Pos 1-25 Label for text box
Pos 26 Line# used to determine where to place the field
Pos 27 field type (N=Numeric,C=Char,A=Alpha)
Pos 28 Must key field (Y/N)
Pos 29 Visible (Y/N)
Pos 30-34 Range (apply only if pos 27=N)
Pos 35 Same form (if Y then field should display in the
current form if N should be on the next form)
Here is a sample of a DAT file.
Title 1CNY Y
First name 2CNY Y
Last Name 3CYY Y
No of items Purchased 4NYY01-10Y
2. ProgramApplication
At this stage users (probelly a programmer) allow to build form(s) using above .DAT file (form(s) should visible it to user at this stage – same as a normal VB FORM) & write their own validations using VB script for each field. (Hoping to save these validations in a separate TXT file or an Access.MDB)
3. DataCaptureApplication
At this stage data-entry operators should allow to enter data using form(s) created in above step 2 (along with built in/user validations for each field)
And finally here my questions... hope someone knows the answers & like to help.
How to invoke built in validation? (i.e. if pos 28=“Y” (MustKey) then that field shod not left blank at DataCaptureApplication
Can I build form(s) without using Visual Basic in step 2? (Forms consists only text boxes & labels)
If yes pls. give me an example of how this can be done.
Any help would greatly appreciated.
Thanks you very much for your time.