I have a little relay board connected to the serial port of a computer on our network. I would like to have that computer run Linux and program it to close the relay for a second at a scripted time.
It's time sensitive so I want to run the computer in Linux to take advantage of its stability. I have C programming examples _for Windows_ so I'm wonderring.
1: Can I use the C example through the GCC?
2: Does anyone know a super basic Linux program that will send basic stuff to the linux equivalent of com1?
I suspect someone can save me a lot of work and false starts out there.
thank you in advance.
I have a little relay board connected to the serial port of a computer on our network. I would like to have that computer run Linux and program it to close the relay for a second at a scripted time.
It's time sensitive so I want to run the computer in Linux to take advantage of its stability. I have C programming examples _for Windows_ so I'm wonderring.
1: Can I use the C example through the GCC?
2: Does anyone know a super basic Linux program that will send basic stuff to the linux equivalent of com1?
I suspect someone can save me a lot of work and false starts out there.
thank you in advance.