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Program Runtime Problem after Modulizing

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Aug 12, 2009

The code outlined below is a section I put into a subroutine to clear up my flow a little bit. The problem is, the prgram stalls once it calls the subroutine and never prints out the output I need (after about 20 minutes at least). The block worked fine when I had it within another subroutine, but failed once I moved it to its own. The entire code is attached.


subroutine yearly_stats(allruns) 
			implicit none
			integer :: k, updown, year, indicies, allrunscounter, sortstep_a, &
								& sortstep_b, mymax, mymaxpos, rank, midpoint, median, &
								& counter
			integer, allocatable :: allruns(:,:), runs(:)
			real :: totalcount, totalrun, mean, yrstats(0:1,1926:2009,1:4)			
			k = size(allruns)
			do updown = 0, 1
				do year = 1926, 2009
					counter = 0 
					do indicies = 1, k
						runs(indicies) = 0
					end do
					do allrunscounter = 1, k
						if(allruns(allrunscounter,1) == year .AND. &
							& allruns(allrunscounter,3) == updown) then
							counter = counter + 1
							runs(counter) = allruns(allrunscounter,4)
						end if
					end do
					do sortstep_a = 1, k-1
						mymax = runs(sortstep_a)
						mymaxpos = sortstep_a
						do sortstep_b = sortstep_a+1, k
							if(runs(sortstep_b) > mymax) then	
								mymax = runs(sortstep_b)
								mymaxpos = sortstep_b
							end if
						end do
						rank = runs(sortstep_a)
						runs(sortstep_a) = runs(mymaxpos)
						runs(mymaxpos) = rank
					end do
					totalcount = counter !real
					totalrun = sum(runs(:)) !real
					mean = totalrun/totalcount !real
					midpoint = ceiling(counter/2.0) 
					median = runs(midpoint)
					yrstats(updown,year,1) = totalcount
					yrstats(updown,year,2) = totalrun
					yrstats(updown,year,3) = mean
					yrstats(updown,year,4) = median
				end do
			end do
			write(*,fmt='(1XI4,1XI1,1XF3.0,1Xf4.0,1XF6.4,1XF2.0)') yrstats(:,:,1:4)
		end subroutine yearly_stats
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