I'm trying to have program flow pass to another procedure depending on an if statement result. However, the flow does not go to the other sub, wondering if anybody can help.
the code is as follows:
f rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
rs.FindFirst "Parishonersid = " & meparishonersid & " AND monthid = " & memonth & " AND yearid = " & meyear
'Record does not already exist if you reach the end of the file
If rs.EOF = True Then Monthly_Contribution_Amount_AfterUpdate
the code is as follows:
f rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
rs.FindFirst "Parishonersid = " & meparishonersid & " AND monthid = " & memonth & " AND yearid = " & meyear
'Record does not already exist if you reach the end of the file
If rs.EOF = True Then Monthly_Contribution_Amount_AfterUpdate