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Professional Guidence Please :)

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Jul 1, 2000
Dear Pros,
I have been told by my tutor that I'm wasting my time on Unix and learning C. I personally don't belive this, but I'm not a pro. I'm a kid in a basement :). He clams that learning Java and Windows is better. My theory is that C is the language most (including Java) other languages are copied from. Can anyone shead any light on my predicament.

I mean, for playing and learning with an OS, I find any *nix box to be fun and challenging and not as (forgive me windows lovers) "single-minded" as windows. Windows, while it is great for usabibitily as compared to *nix, I find it lacks things like customability and variance. However, with that said, learning a *nix box is a big undertaking if you want to teach yourself (it's also rewarding), and you will understand why computers behave the way they do.
As for languages I would say that an extreme majority of *nix users are at least versed in C, while the same is not entirely true of Windows users. In regards to Java being "better" as your tutor puts it, he's kinda, but not exactly, right. Java is known for its "code once, run everywhere" idealism while C is and can be processor specific. But for me C is a more enjoyable experience since I love having the stack at my dismissal (insert evil laugh). Java however, even with it's restrictions, deals with private and public, and is Object Orientated. They both have great plus' and minus'.
In my opinion, I would NEVER dream of giving up my *nix box and my books on Advanced procedures in C, but the way of the world is changing and it has the Java look and power-hungeriness of MS (forgive me Mr. Gates).
So agree with your tutor but don't be afraid to disagree with him/her either. After-all you picked up computers because you probably had a great interest and willingness to learn them, so don't let that fade and learn as much as you can. But I do have an issue with a mentor/teacher saying that you are "wasting your time" with other languages and thoughts other than his/hers, but this is neither the time or forum to discuss that.


!~~whew, that was long-winded~~!

C/C++ is one of the best things to learn. And I know of 3 java programmers who learned how to program in Java first before C++ and had tough times. Everyone I know who knew C/C++ first and then went to java had a much easier time.

I highly recomend learning C/C++ before java. Learning the Unix OS is another thing that could prove useful. There have been many times I wished I was back on a UNIX box instead of the windows platform.

If you will be moving to a windows based system, I would suggest learning VB as well. It's demand is not as high as C++ but you have a much easier time designing the GUI and you can always link it to a C++ dll if necessary.

Another language that could prove useful would be SQL (structured query language). This is used to interact and query both oracle and MS Access databases. Understanding SQL is not that difficult either (the basics to the medium stuff at least). SQL becomes difficult when you start to do intersects and some more advanced things.

To close this, I would just like to say that NOTHING is a waste of time when it comes to programming. If you learn to program on a unix system, there will be jobs for you. The department of defence still uses unix systems to program on as well as windows. For the 2 years that I worked for the government, 90% of my work was done on a unix based system. Learning to program on a windows based system is also suggested as alot of companys are using it now. However, it does not matter what you learn as long as you are learning.

The first place I got to fully play with code was on a MUD (multi user dungeon). You can download the code for the mud and complile it on your unix system. It comes with its own makefile. I did learn alot from the MUD code and the algoritms, functions, etc used in it gave me ideas for college projects. If you get the chance, check it out.


DISCLAIMER: This is my first post this morning and I most likely rambled above. If so... Sorry :p
here's an idea. Post the exact same message in the Java forum.
I guess you overlooked the "IMHO" (In my humble opinion) at the beginning of my post.

Thanks for the advice. I really like C and unix. I've just started C but i've been using OpenBSD for my servers for 2 years now. I will link this forum to my tutor.

Thanks much,

If you have more suggestions please post them. I'm really openminded :)
All said and done, after the way the market is fluctuating, looks like Java is set to die an early death (sorry JAva guys, thank Mr.Bill Gates for this)

All i would like to say is if u learn C and Unix, u are prepared to take on any language / OS in the world, it is NOT SO for Java. Plus its lots of fun.

The only thing that seems to have withstood the ravages of time is Unix and C, so i will say, u are a fool to undermine Unix and C (or anybody who tells u that u are wasting u'r time on it is a waste of time)....
There real joy with C starts when you compile your project on different platforms (SGI,HP,SUN ..., NT), with different compilers (vendors, gcc ...), with different libraries (whitch you get in code or precompiled), put it all together, find tonns of specific details about each platform and your code, then C will give you much more then just programing language. You will understand how things work and it will not have a big difference what is that Java or anything else.
If you start with C++ you can missed what lies under it, if you start from C you just add extra layer to your knowledge.
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