What Store Procedures or SQL command that can extract a structure of a table/db/view... into an SQL code. I don't remember exactly, but something with sp_helptext ? Am I right? If it is so, how it is used?
What I want is to (re)create a db/table/view etc.. similar to a db/table/view that I pick, and instead of writing a code to create it with all properties, I can have Sybase to produce codes by using sp_helptext (not sure), then I can reuse the code. I believe Sybase having a store procedure to extract to codes, which in fact, I can do it using DBArtisan, but unfortunately I don't have DBArtisan now.
Sorry - I'm with you now.
You need the definitions of objects.
sp_helptext is ok for procedures,triggers,views,etc
but not tables !
Utility defncopy is the same (but again, not tables)
(found in /sybase/products/syb???/bin )
Can't you get Embarcadero's DBArtisan trial V6 for a month ?
;-) Dickie Bird
that is good to know . Unfortunately, it is the table code that I want, nothing else ! I probably do as you say then, but I already tried DBArtisan trial version twice already ! Don't know if they keep record of my computer session id and window id or not. Will try.
Try Sybase's Sybase Central. Open the DB in question, expand the list of tables, right-click and choose "Create DDL"--you've got it! (It also gives you CREATE statements for indexes as well as for any associated triggers.)
Sybase Central is one of the PC-client pieces of the install. You should be able to find info on how to install it in the Install Guide for your platform (or the on-line version of the docs--see the FAQ on "Where can I read about...?" if you need help finding the on-line manuals).
If that doesn't do it for you, may I suggest that it wouldn't be at all hard to create a stored procedure yourself that would do the trick. You can use sp_help (from sybsystemprocs) as a template of sorts to decode the entries in syscolumns. All you need is a simple loop to go through the entries there in colid order (you could even use a cursor, although I avoid this when possible--which is almost always!). What you'll need to do, probably, is create a temp table with a single varchar(255) column, or something of the like. As you go down through the list of columns, just put the name, type, and so on onto the end of a string that you'll write to that table.
At the top of the loop, put the CREATE TABLE <name> portion through the left paren; at the end of the loop, put a closing paren.
It might look something like this (not everything you want, but enough to get you started):
create procedure sp_helptable
(@tablename varchar (30))
if not exists
(select * from sysobjects
where name = @tablename
and type = 'U') begin
declare @msg varchar (255)
select @msg = 'invalid table name : ' + @tablename
select @msg /* could use raiserror if you want to return an error code */
end /* if not exists */
/* create table to hold column info */
create table #create_table
(statement_row varchar (255))
declare @colid smallint,
@colName varchar(30),
@typeName varchar (30),
@nulls bit,
@coldefStr varchar (255)
select @colid = min (colid)
from syscolumns
where id = object_id (@tablename)
/* loop over columns */
while @colid is not null begin
select @colName = c.name, @typeName = t.name,
@nulls = convert (bit, c.status & 8)
from syscolumns c, systypes t
where c.id = object_id (@tablename)
and c.colid = @colid
select @coldefStr = @colName + char (9) /* tab */
+ @typeName + char (9)
if @nulls = 0 /* nulls not allowed */
select @coldefStr + 'NOT NULL'
/* if nulls are allowed, just leave off */
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