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Procomm Question

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Technical User
Dec 1, 2004
We recently upgraded our OS to XP and still use Procomm. It isn't officially supported and I'm wondering if anyone is using anything else to dial into their PBXs?

Some of the issues we have and I don't know if they are Procomm related or modem related are:
After the handshake, it could take up to 10 minutes before we get any prompts.
Connect to a PBX one day but the next day we get the handshake and garbage across the screen.

We don't have a standard modem on the desktops or laptops but the same symptoms are happening on different PCs.

We purposely haven't upgraded some of our machines for that reason--personally, I didn't want ProComm to mess my my 'home' xp machine. We have enough problems with PCPLus causing issues with our older machines. I would be interested to know what other people are using--I haven't found anything else as inexpensive that has as many terminal emulations (I have to use more than just one switch)
As part of our network image they have installed a Hummingbird product. I haven't played with it yet to see if I can use it to dial in to the PBX's but will be shortly.
OTM has both an overlay passthru and a TTY terminal emulation connection you can use if you have Optivity

otherwise Procomm will work and not screw up your XP machine, but dont install all the fax tools and other junk just the basics for terminal emulation it should work fine
MG2005...thanks for the input. I don't usually install it anyway, but it's likely that on the two machines here that have PCPlus problems might have had the extra junk installed....
or upgrade your procomm to the latest version. I run on XP and it runs just fine.

What is the 'lastest version' since it's a discontinued product? I thought we had the latest version, 4.51?
Procomm Plus 4.8 is the latest. It works perfect on WinXP.
im on 4.7 never knew they released another Procomm after that. Good to know
From what I'm hearing Procomm is still the standard.

Has anyone had any connectivity problems similar to my original post? I take it that they are probably modem related rather than Procomm related?!?

The funny thing is that one day you can connect fine and the next day you have issues. Even when dialing in from the same PC.
You could probably blame the modem. I run into that also. One day it will connect every time first try then the next day it may take 10 tries and half of those tries instead of establishing the connection properly it spits all kinds of weird characters out and you have to disconnect and try again.

US Robotics seems to be the best brand to use for modems.

I just got OTM 2.2 installed this week so I been using the network to get in now. Much better then dialing besides the fact I cant use Procomm now to get in using the network.

regarding the garbage on screen. Check the baud rate of your modem connection in Procom. It should be 9600. If it is higher it starts to put out garbage. Might be the problem.

Actually I use Procomm 2.0 (old) in Windows XP , and work great , all day !
Check the baud rate , terminal emulation,all port settings

it's now being sold by symantec so checkt their website.
ypu can use procom to get in via network.. fyi. i use multi copies of procomm everyday, 2 or 3 open on my screen, two other techs in the same room, each keep a copy open.. zero garbage, we all set to vt320 8 none and one, on 2000 pro machines.. because of the number of maint items and changes we do, procomm is the only term emulation we use... never had any garbage.. could be your modem, line ... also make sure the init string is clean

john poole
bellsouth business
The guy that did the install of OTM said that the only way to use the network to get in was through OTM. He said procomm wouldnt work...

Is it something simple to setup to get procomm to work?
just use procomm to a lantronics serial server, i set it up on my 81 so i can connect from users pc's without analog modems.. from them i just use old dos telnet. never met a tech that knows all the tricks this box will do. i am no exception

john poole
bellsouth business
I totally agree with John on the use of Procomm Plus. My company uses it as the number one tool for the past 4 years at 4.8 on Windows 2000. My own department has over 20 users! I've installed it at home on XP home without any problems & it's been used with Win95 /98.
We have developed many scripts via this excellent tool & I would much prefer to use any thing other that MAT /OTM for system changes!.
I use 2 different modems on my works P.C. one is a USB Zoom & the other is a 56k US Robotics External. I have to agree with John is that the US Robotics works well with the settings at V320.
I've made a small change to allow my "Fx" keys to work with applications such as Mail etc.
The only problem that I have come across with is, is that it doesn't support the "R" login protocal.

All the best

Firebird Scrambler
Meridian Programmer in the UK
We also use ProComm. It used to work great until they changed the script and neglected to tell us. Once we found out and changed it - it has never been the same - it takes longer - but not 10 minutes, probably more like up to a minute longer. What I do not like is we do not have a tech smart enough to have ProComm & pc knowledge - but they come out and service when we can't dial in. Who is your pbx vendor, if you don't mind me asking :)
my pbx vendor would be bellsouth, sorta default

john poole
bellsouth business
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