Hello, I am running ProComm PLUS 2.0, and have a problem.
I am running the below script to gather data.
This code worked good for a while...then it started adding blank lines between each phone log...and only displays the date once. How can I get rid of these blank lines, and also have it display the time/date of the calls on each line?
I am running the below script to gather data.
string record
string outputfile = "c:\prowin2\capture\phonelog.cap"
proc main
set capture path "c:\prowin2\capture"
set capture file "phonelog.cap"
call PortSettings ;setup Procomm Plus software to automatically collect data from superswitch.
fopen 1 outputfile WRITE ;open the output file to collect data.
fseek 1 0 2 ;position the file pointer to the end of the file.
set aspect rxdata ON ;tell this program to handle the data received through the comm port.
capture on
while 1 ;Loop forever
while $RXDATA ;see if there is data awaiting.
comread record 88 ;collect an 88 character record from the comm port.
fputs 1 record ;send the record to the output file.
termwrites record ;writes the record to the screen.
fclose 1 ;closes the file to save the record.
fopen 1 outputfile WRITE ;reopens the output file to await new data.
fseek 1 0 2 ;repositions the file pointer to the end of the file.
proc PortSettings
set port baudrate 19200
set port databits 8
set port parity none
set port stopbits 1
set autoanswer data
set capture file outputfile
This code worked good for a while...then it started adding blank lines between each phone log...and only displays the date once. How can I get rid of these blank lines, and also have it display the time/date of the calls on each line?