I'm a PBX tech at a local collage and the script I was using to capture ACD stats on a CS1000 suddenly stopped capturing data.
it worked fine for 2 months and then stopped working. when starting procomm and running script it works fine the first day but the next day it would create the capture file name but would not harvest the data provided to the screen. here is the script.
any help is greatly appreciated
#define DEBUG 0
string fname ;first part of file name
string datefilename ;this is the date part of file name
proc main
set port baudrate 9600 ; 9600
set port databits 8 ; 8
set port parity NONE ; n
set port stopbits 1 ; 1
while 1
clear ;clear screen
fname = "Acdrep1 " ;put the first part of name here leave a space at the end
datefilename = "" ;to ensure string datefilename is empty
call file_date ;calls file_date proc
strcat fname datefilename ;this combines the two string (in this case M1_Log YYYYMMDD)
set capture path "C:\Capture"
set capture file fname ;sets caputure file to the file named in file_date proc
capture on ;turns on capture
waituntil "20:59:57" ;keeps capturing until this time
capture off ;turns capture off
pause 5 ;waits 5 seconds
proc file_date
integer iDay, iMonth, iYear, iHour, iMin, iSec
ltimeints $LTIME iYear iMonth iDay iHour iMin iSec
strfmt dateFileName "%d%02d%02d" iYear iMonth iDay
strcat dateFileName ".cap"
I'm a PBX tech at a local collage and the script I was using to capture ACD stats on a CS1000 suddenly stopped capturing data.
it worked fine for 2 months and then stopped working. when starting procomm and running script it works fine the first day but the next day it would create the capture file name but would not harvest the data provided to the screen. here is the script.
any help is greatly appreciated
#define DEBUG 0
string fname ;first part of file name
string datefilename ;this is the date part of file name
proc main
set port baudrate 9600 ; 9600
set port databits 8 ; 8
set port parity NONE ; n
set port stopbits 1 ; 1
while 1
clear ;clear screen
fname = "Acdrep1 " ;put the first part of name here leave a space at the end
datefilename = "" ;to ensure string datefilename is empty
call file_date ;calls file_date proc
strcat fname datefilename ;this combines the two string (in this case M1_Log YYYYMMDD)
set capture path "C:\Capture"
set capture file fname ;sets caputure file to the file named in file_date proc
capture on ;turns on capture
waituntil "20:59:57" ;keeps capturing until this time
capture off ;turns capture off
pause 5 ;waits 5 seconds
proc file_date
integer iDay, iMonth, iYear, iHour, iMin, iSec
ltimeints $LTIME iYear iMonth iDay iHour iMin iSec
strfmt dateFileName "%d%02d%02d" iYear iMonth iDay
strcat dateFileName ".cap"