I am only vaguely familiar with scripting with Procomm. Someone gave me the below script to auto capture my ACD daily reports from Procomm. For some reason it is not capturing the whole day including the last time entry at 18:00 hour that read Daily Report Totals. Can anyone help with this - our one person who knows this stuff at my company is currently stationed in Kuwait. Any help would be greatly appreciated - I can't be the only person who has needed to do this, can I?
string cmd="ncopy c:\capture\"
string szFileName = $DATE
string szDate = $DATE
integer Pos = 0
proc main
dial data "Option 61"
set capture overwrite OFF ; if capture file exists, append data to it.
capture off ; close capture file if it is open
when TARGET 0 "ACD DN 5324" call CLOSECAP
clear ; clear contents of screen and scroll back buffer
szFileName = $DATE
szDate = $DATE
while 1
if nullstr szFileName ; Check to see if we've reached
exitwhile ; the end of source string
endif ; and if so, exit loop.
if strfind szFileName "/" Pos ; Check for char
strdelete szFileName Pos 1 ; and delete it
exitwhile ; exit if no more characters
strcat szFileName ".txt"
set capture file szFileName ; Set name of capture file.
capture on ; Open up the capture file.
while strcmp $DATE szDate ; Loop while date is the same
endwhile ; or if the date changes,
capture off ; Close the capture file.
goto Startloop ; and start a new one.
proc closecap
pause 3
strcat cmd szFileName ; Append to variable "CMD"
strcat cmd " h:\uab\" ; Append network drive to "CMD"
transmit "^M***********^M" ; Put in asteriks between hourly reports
capture off ; Close capture file
pause 5
DOS cmd HIDDEN i0 ; Run "CMD" in DOS and copy file to the LAN
pause 10
taskexit i0 ; Exit DOS window
pause 10
cmd="ncopy c:\capture\" ; Reset "CMD"
capture on ; Turn Capture back on.
string cmd="ncopy c:\capture\"
string szFileName = $DATE
string szDate = $DATE
integer Pos = 0
proc main
dial data "Option 61"
set capture overwrite OFF ; if capture file exists, append data to it.
capture off ; close capture file if it is open
when TARGET 0 "ACD DN 5324" call CLOSECAP
clear ; clear contents of screen and scroll back buffer
szFileName = $DATE
szDate = $DATE
while 1
if nullstr szFileName ; Check to see if we've reached
exitwhile ; the end of source string
endif ; and if so, exit loop.
if strfind szFileName "/" Pos ; Check for char
strdelete szFileName Pos 1 ; and delete it
exitwhile ; exit if no more characters
strcat szFileName ".txt"
set capture file szFileName ; Set name of capture file.
capture on ; Open up the capture file.
while strcmp $DATE szDate ; Loop while date is the same
endwhile ; or if the date changes,
capture off ; Close the capture file.
goto Startloop ; and start a new one.
proc closecap
pause 3
strcat cmd szFileName ; Append to variable "CMD"
strcat cmd " h:\uab\" ; Append network drive to "CMD"
transmit "^M***********^M" ; Put in asteriks between hourly reports
capture off ; Close capture file
pause 5
DOS cmd HIDDEN i0 ; Run "CMD" in DOS and copy file to the LAN
pause 10
taskexit i0 ; Exit DOS window
pause 10
cmd="ncopy c:\capture\" ; Reset "CMD"
capture on ; Turn Capture back on.