A stored procedure similar to the code below works fine, now there is a need to allow multiple input parameters for the variable destination_in . This will allow the input of more than one destination. Is that permissible and if so, how is it done?
Thanks, Hallux
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE expedition(destination_in IN VARCHAR2,
p_start_date_in IN DATE,
p_stop_date_in IN DATE
return_curs IN OUT expedition_pkg.expedition_curs) IS
OPEN return_curs FOR
SELECT destination, lastname, firstname, COUNT(DISTINCT exp_tripnum) AS orders
FROM travel
WHERE destination = destination_in
AND s_date = p_start_date_in
AND e_date = p_stop_date_in
END expedition;
Thanks, Hallux
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE expedition(destination_in IN VARCHAR2,
p_start_date_in IN DATE,
p_stop_date_in IN DATE
return_curs IN OUT expedition_pkg.expedition_curs) IS
OPEN return_curs FOR
SELECT destination, lastname, firstname, COUNT(DISTINCT exp_tripnum) AS orders
FROM travel
WHERE destination = destination_in
AND s_date = p_start_date_in
AND e_date = p_stop_date_in
END expedition;