Need some ideas here. Sun Ultra 10, 256Mb memory, Solaris 2.6, ASE 11.9.2. I'm getting the "not enough procedure cache" error, particularly when running queries on large tables (500,000 - 1,000,000 rows) with a "group by" clause.
From sp_configure ...
The top command shows sybase as using 33M of memory (26M) resident. As you can see, I already have the cache configure to 40% and am loathe to raise it any more - it probably shouldn't be that high anyway.
I could increase total memory, but Sybase is already grabbing 30Mb and there really isn't any free memory anyway on the server as it is (top reports between 3 and 4Mb free).
Do I have any configuration options, or should I just stick more memory into the server and give it to Sybase?
From sp_configure ...
Parameter Name Default Memory Used Config Value Run Value
-------------- ------- ----------- ------------ ---------
total memory 14336 30000 15000 15000
total data cache size 0 6838 0 6838
procedure cache percent 20 4726 40 40
I could increase total memory, but Sybase is already grabbing 30Mb and there really isn't any free memory anyway on the server as it is (top reports between 3 and 4Mb free).
Do I have any configuration options, or should I just stick more memory into the server and give it to Sybase?