Let me run through my configuration.<br><br>I have Windows NT Server edition running on a stand alone PC. <br><br>On top of that, I have Oracle 8i Enterprise Edition. <br><br>I am having a problem with the Multithreaded Server. I am not able to create tables or anything else. <br><br>I suspect that the Listener is going out and looking for Clients but because I am running in stand alone mode, it is getting confused. <br><br>When I go into database assistant and try to creat a database, I get the following list of errors:<br><br>ORA-00101:invalid specification for system parameter MTS_DISPATCHERS<br><br>Then I hit Ignore and I get the following error:<br><br>ORA-00102: network protocol (ADDRESS=(PARTIAL=YES)(PROTOCOL=TCP))<br><br>Then I hit Ignore and I get the following error:<br><br>ORA-0103034:ORACLE not available<br><br>I'm wondering if I need to create a Client/server envrinonment in order to make 8i EE work correctly. <br><br><br><br>