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Problems with TChart 1

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Mar 24, 2005
I have several problems with TChart component and one line axis:

- How to display "Point" (circle on each (x,y) coordinates.
This options can be set in designing window (Series tabsheet->Point->Visible := true)); I have to do it from code

- is it possible to change the shape of Marks on each point?
I have value on yellow rectangular and when i have 2, 3 axises, one Mark may overlap with another. I would like to change Mark on only small number without rectangular

- How to print chart to fit all A4 Page in landscape printer mode ?

Really thanks for help
If I understand you correctly, you would like to:
[li]Display the point co-ordinates when the mouse is over a point[/li]
[li]Alter the point marks to different shapes (on series)[/li]
[li]Print the chart in landscape on the default printer as large as possible[/li]

Most of this information is on the TeeChart website ( but here are a few starters:
1. Display point values - from their web site in fact, and adapted for my own use.
procedure TF_Main.QRChart_CUSUMMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
// Straight from the website for TeeChart!

var tmpL,tmpL2,ClickedValue : Integer;

  clickedvalue := -1;
  tmpL2:= -1;

  With QRChart_CUSUM do
    If (Series1.Clicked(X, Y) <> -1) And (not OnSeriesPoint) Then
      Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
      Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack;
      Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite;
      if (abs(Series1.YScreenToValue(y)) > 2) and (B_Analyse.Enabled)then
        Canvas.Font.Color := clRed
        Canvas.Font.Color := clMaroon;
      Canvas.Font.Height := -7;
      Canvas.Font.Size := 3;
      Canvas.TextOut(x+10,y,DateToStr(Series1.XScreenToValue(x)));  [b]// display the coordinate[/b]
      OnSeriesPoint := True;
      ClickedValue:= Series1.Clicked(x,y);

    //Repaint Chart to clear Textoutputted Mark
    If (ClickedValue=-1) And (OnSeriesPoint) Then
      OnSeriesPoint := False;

    tmpL := QRChart_CUSUM.Legend.Clicked(X, Y);

    If (tmpL <> -1) And ((tmpL <> tmpL2) Or (not OnLegendPoint)) Then
      Canvas.Brush.Color := Series1.LegendItemColor(tmpL);
      Canvas.Rectangle( X, Y, X + 20, Y + 20);
      Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite;
      Canvas.Font.Color := clMaroon;
      Canvas.Font.Height := -7;
      Canvas.Font.Size := 4;
      tmpL2 := tmpL;
      OnLegendPoint := True;

    If (tmpL2 = -1) And (OnLegendPoint) Then
      OnLegendPoint := False;

2. Point shape - check out the help on TSeriesPointerStyleType. But you can simply do this....
  Series1.Pointer.Style := psCircle;

3. Printing the chart in landscape orientation to full size:
First you need to set your margins on the page, then print it
procedure TF_Main.B_PrintClick(Sender: TObject);
// Send the graph to the printer in Landscape orientation - maximise to full page
  PrintRct : tRect;
  OldPOrient : tPrinterOrientation;
  OldPOrient := Printer.Orientation;// store old orientation
  PrintRct.Top := 0;    // define the rectangle to max size
  PrintRct.Left := 0;
  PrintRct.Bottom := Printer.PageWidth-1;
  PrintRct.Right := Printer.PageHeight-1;
  with QRChart_CUSUM do begin
    Printer.Orientation := poLandScape; // set to landscape
    PrintRect(PrintRct); // print it
    Printer.Orientation := oldPOrient; // restore orientation

Hope that helps!

Chris ;-)
I think Chris misunderstood your first request.
- How to display "Point" (circle on each (x,y) coordinates.
This options can be set in designing window (Series tabsheet->Point->Visible := true)); I have to do it from code

Only some series have a pointer. But if it is such a series then the following code will have the same effect as the ticking the checkbox you mentioned in the design window:
  Series1.Pointer.Visible := True;
The above will display the pointers on the series.

Clive [infinity]
"To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer."
Paul Ehrlich
To get the best answers from this forum see: faq102-5096
Thank you Guys. I have solved problems.

There is another question.
Is it possible to have 3 charts on one TChart component?
I have 3 series (lines) and in various places overlap with others ?


Can you just clarify, do you mean you want 3 line series on one TChart? Do you want the 3 series to overlap or not?

Clive [infinity]
"To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer."
Paul Ehrlich
To get the best answers from this forum see: faq102-5096
You will need 3 separate TChart objects.

Your best bet would be to do the following:
1) drop a TPanel on your form
2) select the TPanel, then drop a TChart (repeat this step 3 times)
3) set the Align property of the 1st TChart to alTop
4) set the Align property of the 2nd TChart to alBottom
5) set the Align property of the 3rd TChart to alClient
6) ensure the Height property is the same for all 3 charts

Clive [infinity]
"To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer."
Paul Ehrlich
To get the best answers from this forum see: faq102-5096
There is only one problem ;(
I have to print chart on whole A4 page.

Is it possible to do it with TChart?
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