I have four tables:
Table 1 : Families
FamilyID as Autonumber
LastName as Text
{other family specific fields not relevant to this question}
Table 2: Members
MemberID as Autonumber
FirstName as Text
FamilyID as Number FK to Families.FamilyID
UniqueLastName as Text
{other member specific fields not relevant to this question}
Table 3: Groups
GroupID as Autonumber
GroupName as Text
MemberID as Number FK to Members.MemberID
PositionID as Number FK to Positions.PositionID
Table 4: Positions
PositionID as Autonumber
Position as Text
The relationships between the tables are one-to-many all the way down the line as follows: Families > Members > Groups > Positions
Tables 3 and 4 are pretty static; i.e., their data is pre-set and will only change very infrequently.
The data in Tables 1 and 2 will grow, shrink and change over time.
I want to be able to create a form where I can add, edit or view, via comboboxes, the info. I am envisioning a form would look something like this:
Group: [combobox]
Continuous Subform: Members:
LastName [combobox] / FirstName [combox -- filtered after LastName updated] / Position [combobox]
I know I have a problem with the way I've designed these tables or their relationships, but for the life of me I can't figure out where I've gone wrong. Can anyone help? Any assistance is appreciated.
Table 1 : Families
FamilyID as Autonumber
LastName as Text
{other family specific fields not relevant to this question}
Table 2: Members
MemberID as Autonumber
FirstName as Text
FamilyID as Number FK to Families.FamilyID
UniqueLastName as Text
{other member specific fields not relevant to this question}
Table 3: Groups
GroupID as Autonumber
GroupName as Text
MemberID as Number FK to Members.MemberID
PositionID as Number FK to Positions.PositionID
Table 4: Positions
PositionID as Autonumber
Position as Text
The relationships between the tables are one-to-many all the way down the line as follows: Families > Members > Groups > Positions
Tables 3 and 4 are pretty static; i.e., their data is pre-set and will only change very infrequently.
The data in Tables 1 and 2 will grow, shrink and change over time.
I want to be able to create a form where I can add, edit or view, via comboboxes, the info. I am envisioning a form would look something like this:
Group: [combobox]
Continuous Subform: Members:
LastName [combobox] / FirstName [combox -- filtered after LastName updated] / Position [combobox]
I know I have a problem with the way I've designed these tables or their relationships, but for the life of me I can't figure out where I've gone wrong. Can anyone help? Any assistance is appreciated.