I'm doing this:
SQL = "SELECT Cat_Num FROM tblEM_Parts_Fields WHERE (FieldID, Value) = (" & VoltsID & ",'" & volts & "')"
Response.Write "SQL: " & SQL & "<br>"
rs.Open SQL, sConn
while not rs.EOF
Response.Write rs("Cat_Num" & "<br>"
This returns this:
SELECT Cat_Num FROM tblEM_Parts_Fields WHERE (FieldID, Value) = (21,'155/220')
I'm using a Row Value Constructor which is part of the SQL2 standard. It throws back a SQL syntax error at the first comma after FieldID. I'm using a SQL database running on WinNT SQL Server.
Does anyone know of any ussues with ASP and SQL2? This seems like the perfect solution to my problem, but it won't accept the SQL string. Any advice is appreciated. Harold Blackorby
St. Louis, MO
SQL = "SELECT Cat_Num FROM tblEM_Parts_Fields WHERE (FieldID, Value) = (" & VoltsID & ",'" & volts & "')"
Response.Write "SQL: " & SQL & "<br>"
rs.Open SQL, sConn
while not rs.EOF
Response.Write rs("Cat_Num" & "<br>"
This returns this:
SELECT Cat_Num FROM tblEM_Parts_Fields WHERE (FieldID, Value) = (21,'155/220')
I'm using a Row Value Constructor which is part of the SQL2 standard. It throws back a SQL syntax error at the first comma after FieldID. I'm using a SQL database running on WinNT SQL Server.
Does anyone know of any ussues with ASP and SQL2? This seems like the perfect solution to my problem, but it won't accept the SQL string. Any advice is appreciated. Harold Blackorby
St. Louis, MO