I am trying to print a report with a cheque to be printed on the bottom of a one page report, for this cheque the amount needs to be input in numbers which I can do easily but the cheque also requires that amount to be converted string amounts for each unit type (e.g. Pounds, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands so on and on).
I have attempted to calculate the string values by using VBA in the reports on open event, the code for this is shown below.
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_Report_Open
Dim localConnection As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSql As String
Dim AmountStr As String
Dim chequenum As Integer
Dim Message As String
Dim Amount As Currency
Dim strAmount As String
Dim Convert As String
Dim DecimalPoint As String
Dim HundredThousands As String
Dim TensThousands As String
Dim Thousands As String
Dim Hundreds As String
Dim Tens As String
Dim units As String
Dim Pence As String
Dim adrs As ADODB.Recordset
Set localConnection = CurrentProject.AccessConnection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Set adrs = New ADODB.Recordset
chequenum = Forms!Main!ChequeNumBox
strSql = "select Amount from Cheque where Cheque_No=" & chequenum & ";"
rs.Open strSql, localConnection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
Message = "Please save the current cheque details before printing, please use the save button on the main form"
If rs.EOF Then
MsgBox Message
Amount = rs("Amount")
Reports!ChequePrint.RecordSource = "SELECT Cheque.Cheque_No, Cheque.Descrip AS Cheque_Description, Cheque.RemittanceAdvice, Cheque.ProducedDate AS ProducedDate, Cheque.Amount AS Cheque_Amount, Cheque.Payee, Cheque.PaymentCurrency, Debits.DebitAccount, Debits.Amount AS Debits_Amount, Debits.Description AS Debits_Description FROM Cheque INNER JOIN Debits ON Cheque.Cheque_No=Debits.Cheque_No where Cheque.Cheque_No=" & chequenum & ";"
If Len(Amount) = 1 Then
strAmount = CStr(Amount)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 1, 1)
Pence = Value(Convert)
End If
If Len(Amount) = 2 Then
strAmount = CStr(Amount)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 1, 1)
units = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 2, 1)
Pence = Value(Convert)
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!TenThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!ThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!TensBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!UnitsBox = units
strSql = "Update Admin Set Admin.Pence='" & Pence & "', Admin.Units='" & units & "';"
localConnection.Execute strSql
End If
If Len(Amount) = 3 Then
strAmount = CStr(Amount)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 1, 1)
Tens = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 2, 1)
units = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 3, 1)
Pence = Value(Convert)
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!TenThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!ThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!TensBox = Tens
Reports!ChequePrint!UnitsBox = units
strSql = "update Admin Set Admin.Pence='" & Pence & "', Admin.Units='" & units & "', Admin.Tens='" & Tens & "';"
localConnection.Execute strSql
End If
If Len(Amount) = 4 Then
strAmount = CStr(Amount)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 1, 1)
Hundreds = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 2, 1)
Tens = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 3, 1)
units = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 4, 1)
Pence = Value(Convert)
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!TenThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!ThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredBox = Hundreds
Reports!ChequePrint!TensBox = Tens
Reports!ChequePrint!UnitsBox = units
strSql = "update Admin set Admin.Pence='" & Pence & "', Admin.Units='" & units & "', Admin.Tens='" & Tens & "', Admin.Hundreds='" & Hundreds & "';"
localConnection.Execute strSql
End If
If Len(Amount) = 5 Then
strAmount = CStr(Amount)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 1, 1)
Thousands = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 2, 1)
Hundreds = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 3, 1)
Tens = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 4, 1)
units = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 5, 1)
Pence = Value(Convert)
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!TenThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!ThousBox = Thousands
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredBox = Hundreds
Reports!ChequePrint!TensBox = Tens
Reports!ChequePrint!UnitsBox = units
strSql = "update Admin set Admin.Pence='" & Pence & "', Admin.Units='" & units & "', Admin.Tens='" & Tens & "', Admin.Hundreds='" & Hundreds & "', Admin.Thousands='" & Thousands & "';"
localConnection.Execute strSql
End If
If Len(Amount) = 6 Then
strAmount = CStr(Amount)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 1, 1)
TensThousands = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 2, 1)
Thousands = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 3, 1)
Hundreds = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 4, 1)
Tens = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 5, 1)
units = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 6, 1)
Pence = Value(Convert)
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!TenThousBox = TensThousands
Reports!ChequePrint!ThousBox = Thousands
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredBox = Hundreds
Reports!ChequePrint!TensBox = Tens
Reports!ChequePrint!UnitsBox = units
strSql = "update Admin set Admin.Pence='" & Pence & "', Admin.Units='" & units & "', Admin.Tens='" & Tens & "', Admin.Hundreds='" & Hundreds & "', Admin.Thousands='" & Thousands & "', Admin.TenThousands='" & TensThousands & "';"
localConnection.Execute strSql
End If
If Len(Amount) = 7 Then
strAmount = CStr(Amount)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 1, 1)
HundredThousands = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 2, 1)
TensThousands = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 3, 1)
Thousands = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 4, 1)
Hundreds = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 5, 1)
Tens = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 6, 1)
units = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 7, 1)
Pence = Value(Convert)
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredThousBox = HundredThousands
Reports!ChequePrint!TenThousBox = TensThousands
Reports!ChequePrint!ThousBox = Thousands
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredBox = Hundreds
Reports!ChequePrint!TensBox = Tens
Reports!ChequePrint!UnitsBox = units
strSql = "update Admin set Admin.Pence='" & Pence & "', Admin.Units='" & units & "', Admin.Tens='" & Tens & "', Admin.Hundreds='" & Hundreds & "', Admin.Thousands='" & Thousands & "', Admin.TenThousands='" & TensThousands & "', Admin.HundredThousands='" & HundredThousands & "';"
localConnection.Execute strSql
End If
If Len(Amount) = 8 Then
strAmount = CStr(Amount)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 1, 1)
TenMillions = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 2, 1)
Millions = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 3, 1)
HundredThousands = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 4, 1)
TensThousands = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 5, 1)
Thousands = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 6, 1)
Hundreds = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 7, 1)
Tens = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 8, 1)
units = Value(Convert)
End If
End If
Reports!ChequePrint!Cheque_No = 1000004
strSql = "insert into Admin (Test1, Test2, Test3, Test4, Test5, Test6, Test7, Test8) Values ('" & TenMillions & "','" & Millions & "','" & HundredThousands & "','" & TensThousands & "','" & Thousands & "','" & Hundreds & "','" & Tens & "','" & units & "');"
localConnection.Execute strSql
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Report_Open
End Sub
Public Function Value(ByVal MyDigit)
Select Case Val(MyDigit)
Case 1: Value = "One"
Case 2: Value = "Two"
Case 3: Value = "Three"
Case 4: Value = "Four"
Case 5: Value = "Five"
Case 6: Value = "Six"
Case 7: Value = "Seven"
Case 8: Value = "Eight"
Case 9: Value = "Nine"
Case Else: Value = "Zero"
End Select
End Function
The problem is that when I open the report it displays the message: You cant assign a value to this object, my problem is that I can not see where I am attempting to do this assignment. This message is then followed by a request for a date field which should be collected using an embeded SQL query and also requests a value for Admin which is only used within SQL queries as a table name.
Hope someone can help, sorry for the long garble but felt that it was the best way I could explain.
I am trying to print a report with a cheque to be printed on the bottom of a one page report, for this cheque the amount needs to be input in numbers which I can do easily but the cheque also requires that amount to be converted string amounts for each unit type (e.g. Pounds, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands so on and on).
I have attempted to calculate the string values by using VBA in the reports on open event, the code for this is shown below.
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_Report_Open
Dim localConnection As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSql As String
Dim AmountStr As String
Dim chequenum As Integer
Dim Message As String
Dim Amount As Currency
Dim strAmount As String
Dim Convert As String
Dim DecimalPoint As String
Dim HundredThousands As String
Dim TensThousands As String
Dim Thousands As String
Dim Hundreds As String
Dim Tens As String
Dim units As String
Dim Pence As String
Dim adrs As ADODB.Recordset
Set localConnection = CurrentProject.AccessConnection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Set adrs = New ADODB.Recordset
chequenum = Forms!Main!ChequeNumBox
strSql = "select Amount from Cheque where Cheque_No=" & chequenum & ";"
rs.Open strSql, localConnection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
Message = "Please save the current cheque details before printing, please use the save button on the main form"
If rs.EOF Then
MsgBox Message
Amount = rs("Amount")
Reports!ChequePrint.RecordSource = "SELECT Cheque.Cheque_No, Cheque.Descrip AS Cheque_Description, Cheque.RemittanceAdvice, Cheque.ProducedDate AS ProducedDate, Cheque.Amount AS Cheque_Amount, Cheque.Payee, Cheque.PaymentCurrency, Debits.DebitAccount, Debits.Amount AS Debits_Amount, Debits.Description AS Debits_Description FROM Cheque INNER JOIN Debits ON Cheque.Cheque_No=Debits.Cheque_No where Cheque.Cheque_No=" & chequenum & ";"
If Len(Amount) = 1 Then
strAmount = CStr(Amount)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 1, 1)
Pence = Value(Convert)
End If
If Len(Amount) = 2 Then
strAmount = CStr(Amount)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 1, 1)
units = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 2, 1)
Pence = Value(Convert)
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!TenThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!ThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!TensBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!UnitsBox = units
strSql = "Update Admin Set Admin.Pence='" & Pence & "', Admin.Units='" & units & "';"
localConnection.Execute strSql
End If
If Len(Amount) = 3 Then
strAmount = CStr(Amount)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 1, 1)
Tens = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 2, 1)
units = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 3, 1)
Pence = Value(Convert)
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!TenThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!ThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!TensBox = Tens
Reports!ChequePrint!UnitsBox = units
strSql = "update Admin Set Admin.Pence='" & Pence & "', Admin.Units='" & units & "', Admin.Tens='" & Tens & "';"
localConnection.Execute strSql
End If
If Len(Amount) = 4 Then
strAmount = CStr(Amount)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 1, 1)
Hundreds = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 2, 1)
Tens = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 3, 1)
units = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 4, 1)
Pence = Value(Convert)
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!TenThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!ThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredBox = Hundreds
Reports!ChequePrint!TensBox = Tens
Reports!ChequePrint!UnitsBox = units
strSql = "update Admin set Admin.Pence='" & Pence & "', Admin.Units='" & units & "', Admin.Tens='" & Tens & "', Admin.Hundreds='" & Hundreds & "';"
localConnection.Execute strSql
End If
If Len(Amount) = 5 Then
strAmount = CStr(Amount)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 1, 1)
Thousands = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 2, 1)
Hundreds = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 3, 1)
Tens = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 4, 1)
units = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 5, 1)
Pence = Value(Convert)
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!TenThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!ThousBox = Thousands
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredBox = Hundreds
Reports!ChequePrint!TensBox = Tens
Reports!ChequePrint!UnitsBox = units
strSql = "update Admin set Admin.Pence='" & Pence & "', Admin.Units='" & units & "', Admin.Tens='" & Tens & "', Admin.Hundreds='" & Hundreds & "', Admin.Thousands='" & Thousands & "';"
localConnection.Execute strSql
End If
If Len(Amount) = 6 Then
strAmount = CStr(Amount)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 1, 1)
TensThousands = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 2, 1)
Thousands = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 3, 1)
Hundreds = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 4, 1)
Tens = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 5, 1)
units = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 6, 1)
Pence = Value(Convert)
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredThousBox = "Zero"
Reports!ChequePrint!TenThousBox = TensThousands
Reports!ChequePrint!ThousBox = Thousands
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredBox = Hundreds
Reports!ChequePrint!TensBox = Tens
Reports!ChequePrint!UnitsBox = units
strSql = "update Admin set Admin.Pence='" & Pence & "', Admin.Units='" & units & "', Admin.Tens='" & Tens & "', Admin.Hundreds='" & Hundreds & "', Admin.Thousands='" & Thousands & "', Admin.TenThousands='" & TensThousands & "';"
localConnection.Execute strSql
End If
If Len(Amount) = 7 Then
strAmount = CStr(Amount)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 1, 1)
HundredThousands = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 2, 1)
TensThousands = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 3, 1)
Thousands = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 4, 1)
Hundreds = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 5, 1)
Tens = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 6, 1)
units = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 7, 1)
Pence = Value(Convert)
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredThousBox = HundredThousands
Reports!ChequePrint!TenThousBox = TensThousands
Reports!ChequePrint!ThousBox = Thousands
Reports!ChequePrint!HundredBox = Hundreds
Reports!ChequePrint!TensBox = Tens
Reports!ChequePrint!UnitsBox = units
strSql = "update Admin set Admin.Pence='" & Pence & "', Admin.Units='" & units & "', Admin.Tens='" & Tens & "', Admin.Hundreds='" & Hundreds & "', Admin.Thousands='" & Thousands & "', Admin.TenThousands='" & TensThousands & "', Admin.HundredThousands='" & HundredThousands & "';"
localConnection.Execute strSql
End If
If Len(Amount) = 8 Then
strAmount = CStr(Amount)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 1, 1)
TenMillions = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 2, 1)
Millions = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 3, 1)
HundredThousands = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 4, 1)
TensThousands = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 5, 1)
Thousands = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 6, 1)
Hundreds = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 7, 1)
Tens = Value(Convert)
Convert = Mid(strAmount, 8, 1)
units = Value(Convert)
End If
End If
Reports!ChequePrint!Cheque_No = 1000004
strSql = "insert into Admin (Test1, Test2, Test3, Test4, Test5, Test6, Test7, Test8) Values ('" & TenMillions & "','" & Millions & "','" & HundredThousands & "','" & TensThousands & "','" & Thousands & "','" & Hundreds & "','" & Tens & "','" & units & "');"
localConnection.Execute strSql
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Report_Open
End Sub
Public Function Value(ByVal MyDigit)
Select Case Val(MyDigit)
Case 1: Value = "One"
Case 2: Value = "Two"
Case 3: Value = "Three"
Case 4: Value = "Four"
Case 5: Value = "Five"
Case 6: Value = "Six"
Case 7: Value = "Seven"
Case 8: Value = "Eight"
Case 9: Value = "Nine"
Case Else: Value = "Zero"
End Select
End Function
The problem is that when I open the report it displays the message: You cant assign a value to this object, my problem is that I can not see where I am attempting to do this assignment. This message is then followed by a request for a date field which should be collected using an embeded SQL query and also requests a value for Admin which is only used within SQL queries as a table name.
Hope someone can help, sorry for the long garble but felt that it was the best way I could explain.