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problems with preload 1

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Apr 20, 2001

There is a problem with the preloader that I have borrowed here. The loading bar works but the words "loading" and "loading complete" are not working.

Why is this~?


This still the problem you had yesterday?


I changed it the way you wanted.
The reason for not displaying the "complete"-status was, that the preloader gave the command to _root to jump to the next frame when finished and on the next frame of _root there is no preloader any more.
Besides there was no command given to the preloader to show frame 5 of the "description"-clip that shows the status of loading.
Now when the loading process is finished the preloader shows "loading complete" for about a second and then disappears by making _root jump to frame 2.

Again saved as flash5 document. :)

By the way... when you try to get all your other files cached by the browser by giving the command to load them into the "clipholderfake", each time the command is given, the one that is currently in this clipholder gets replaced by the one you called last.
So if you try this
loadMovie ("methodes.swf", _root.clipholderfake);
loadMovie ("annexe.swf", _root.clipholderfake);
loadMovie ("format.swf", _root.clipholderfake);
loadMovie ("bibliographie.swf", _root.clipholderfake);
loadMovie ("organisation.swf", _root.clipholderfake);
loadMovie ("citations.swf", _root.clipholderfake);
finally only citations.swf will be loaded and cached.
Furthermore each film that gets loaded simultaneously slows down the loading performance for the main movie (but I guess you know that).


Thanks again firegambler!

And no, oldnewbie, different problem than yesterdays. As I mention in that thread, I have almost fixed that problem. I put a link to the .fla since I had to fake two load bars (keeping both) since I could not eliminate the load status bar in the first frame. It seems easy: just cut the actions from the first loader and put it in the second and make the preload simple. But it never works--I tried it. If you figure it out, let me know...I went bald yesterday--and I don't have a scalp like Sinead O'Connor. :)


OK, you won't believe this, but I put your fla up on my site and gues what? No change.

Now, I did notice on your test of it the loading was in italics but the .fla you gave me did not have the loading in italics. In fact, I noticed that the code was altered, but the loading never occurs? Why is this?

Sorry for the enigmas...


Probably this is because I used a font you don't have installed on your system.
(Or, which I am starting to believe but cannot prove, that my PC-Flash MX doesn't go together with your Mac-Flash5 - but that's just an assumption)

Anyway I changed the font in the preloader to Arial, which I guess is installed on your computer. I hope that solves the issue.

The link is still the same as above.


Hope you guys understand each other... 'Cause from here, you looked pretty mixed up!


You were right, firegambler--it was the font!!! I actually would have NEVER thought of that--right there before my nose. :)

I went back to that nightmare preload and got the text to work there. I still haven't been able to take off the first frame of the preload because you broke the actionscripts between the first and the second frames. When I put them together in one preload, it doesn't work. I put the two together on the same x and y axis so that the eye cannot see that there are two (and I followed your aesthetic advice--thanks!!). But I have been wondering what is the solution to this. If you have an idea I am uploading the fla at:
Dying to know what the solution is. Thanks firegambler.
Sorry Disfasia,

I think I can't quite catch what you want any more.

A preloader only for the second movie which should be cached by loading it into the "clipholderfake"?
And this preloader should display the words "Téléchargement en cours" and when finished "Téléchargement terminé" which should be seen for about a second before the window pops up that displays image.html?

Please help me out, tell me what it should be!


Sorry for the late response...I had a class. Well, on that .fla you can see there are two loaders. I wanted to get rid of the first frame altogether and have only one preloader, as you had suggested. Every time I try to get rid of the first frame, it never works. Is it possible to get rid of the first frame of that .fla? The rest works fine--everything loads perfectly. But what I want to know is how to put the action script on one preloader and not two. Does this make sense?

Hi Disfasia,

Finally I guess I got it working.
All you have do is to put this code
on the first keyframe of image.swf:

_level0.filmisbeingloaded = 0;

This has to happen to make sure that the preloader doesn't count the bytes of the empty clipholderfake and jumps to opening the popup before image.swf has started to load.
I know, usually it should work without that walkaround but for some reasons preloaders often behave a little odd so i solved it like that.

Have a look at how it works now:

Download the file:


Wow! You're a genius, firegambler. I had to get fitted for a wig yesterday ;-) I was going mad the other day and I finally had to give up (I am a scorpio type A personality--it was difficult to give up) :)

thanks so much

I tried the .fla and the orange bar does not load, nor does the images.swf. Is this the same fla you loaded online? (i know i keep asking but i tested it over and over)
How about that:
You upload your final version of photographes.fla and image.fla with everything in it (of course exept the preloader-thing), I'll change it the way it works (as the one I uploaded to view) and send you back the finished flas and sfws.
I can't get rid of the thought that there are some compatibility problems between your flash-version and mine.
So, if it's the case that you can't open these fla-files in a way they work you'll have at least have working swfs.
I'll put all of them in a Zip-File with the flas saved in Flash5 and MX version.

What do you think about that?


Actuallyl I saw the words loading, it is the orange bar that doesn't load but that is because I looked in the .fla and the command in the loader sends, upon a 100% load, to go to the _root (2), but there is nothing in that keyframe which is why it freezes. And then the film is not being loaded in this .fla into the fakclipholder as there is no orange bar loading its information. this is why I think this is not the same fla for the swf you have online. le me know if you test this fla out

Hope you guys solve this thing pretty soon... I myself am getting balder by the hour, just reading your exchanged posts.


:):):):):) +++ Good comment, Oldnewbie +++ :):):):):)

I have to subscribe to this view! :)


Thanks so much for your help! You are correct about the font not making the words load, but the last .fla does not load any external file which is unrelated to font (obviously). I will work on it and let you know if I figure it out!

Thanks again--I learned a lot!


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