Hi. I have a html page that pops up in a window using javascript. It works fine in IE, but for some reason Mozilla limits the height of the popup window and cuts off information. I want it to be 450 pixels high.
THe code I am using is
<a href="flash/barvagallery3.htm" onClick="window.open('flash/barvagallery3.htm', 'gallery','width=700, height=450, resizable=yes'); return false">Corpus
Christi Celebration </a>
Any suggestions as to what the problem might be with Mozilla and what I can do to fix it.
The URL is
THe code I am using is
<a href="flash/barvagallery3.htm" onClick="window.open('flash/barvagallery3.htm', 'gallery','width=700, height=450, resizable=yes'); return false">Corpus
Christi Celebration </a>
Any suggestions as to what the problem might be with Mozilla and what I can do to fix it.
The URL is