I am currently trying to convert a client's site from Frontpage w/ includes to Dreamweaver friendly with asp includes. I have my pages (pgtop.asp, bottom.asp and sidebarads.asp). I opened another page and named it index2.asp. On that page I did a table and in different cells put something to the effect of
<td><!--#include virtual="bottom.asp" --></td>
for each of my includes. When I save the page and preview it it looks fine. When I move over to Design view, nothing on the page is editable. I was thinking it would look like Frontpage does and let you move table boarders and such. Instead all I see is the first include in the code (pgtop.asp) and nothing else. No tables nothing. I also can't edit anything on the page all I get is a circle with a line across it (don't symbol)
Any ideas?
The page is
<td><!--#include virtual="bottom.asp" --></td>
for each of my includes. When I save the page and preview it it looks fine. When I move over to Design view, nothing on the page is editable. I was thinking it would look like Frontpage does and let you move table boarders and such. Instead all I see is the first include in the code (pgtop.asp) and nothing else. No tables nothing. I also can't edit anything on the page all I get is a circle with a line across it (don't symbol)
Any ideas?
The page is