When an ITStatement is prepared and an array of ITStrings is supplied, datetime qualifiers do do appear to get registered (e.g. year to fraction). Later on, if you do an ITStatement->Param()->TypeOf().Name() and an ITStatement->Param()->TypeOf().Qualifier(), the name comes back as "datetime" and the qualifier is always zero (year to year).
Also, has anyone found that the ITDateTime functions FromTime() and FromDate() do not work using a datetime year to fraction ITValue?
These two issues look like bugs to me. I can work around the DateTime issue by using ITValue::FromPrintable() but the Prepare()/Qualifier() issue looks like a show stopper since the ITValue will not accept any value I try to give it using ITDateTime::FromDate(), ITDateTime::FromTime() or ITValue::FromPrintable()
Does anyone have the answers?
Also, has anyone found that the ITDateTime functions FromTime() and FromDate() do not work using a datetime year to fraction ITValue?
These two issues look like bugs to me. I can work around the DateTime issue by using ITValue::FromPrintable() but the Prepare()/Qualifier() issue looks like a show stopper since the ITValue will not accept any value I try to give it using ITDateTime::FromDate(), ITDateTime::FromTime() or ITValue::FromPrintable()
Does anyone have the answers?