OK, maybe I can get some help here, this is a last resort. I know I'm asking a lot by having you download and install this but it's really not that bad and I've had it. Their support has sucked, documentation poor, application doesn't work with authentication by what I can see, and they can't tell my why their own script doesn't work.
I cannot get my custom .ascx page to work. What should happen is that the test user I created (you'll see his information in the .ascx file) should authenticate to FuseTalk's API using their code, allowing this user to submit a topic to a global forum without logging into the forum. Remember to:
1) Create a forum with an owner that is not an admin user using their Admin UI
2) Create the exact test user as seen in my .ascx in the FuseTalk forum using the Users section in the FuseTalk Admin
3) Set the forum Authentification properties to use External Authentification by setting the dropdown to YES in the Authentification tab
4) Ensure my loginglobal.ascx is in C:\Program Files\FuseTalk Inc\FuseTalk .NET\Web\forum\modules\authentication after you install FuseTalk. Take a look at their login.ascx, it's a straight copy and tweak from that as they told me this was fine to do.
5) You'll need to create 2 virtual directories, one called forum and the other called globaladmin. The path to those in IIS should be \Program Files\FuseTalk Inc\FuseTalk .NET\Web\forum and \Program Files\FuseTalk Inc\FuseTalk .NET\Web\globaladmin respectively.
You have to install fusetalk first:
Check out my video here as it shows it's clearly not working for me:
Here's my .ascx code that I'm testing with; I stripped out everything and just left in the part that should force an automatic authentification on my test user. This is a direct copy of their sample with a few simple tweaks, and using hard coded strings to test out a user:
Related fusetalk docs:
- general sh$$ documentation from them
- sh$$ documentation on how to create the custom authentification script
Pardon my French....but it's been a frustrating experience with this mom & pop type forum shop that they seem to run.
I cannot get my custom .ascx page to work. What should happen is that the test user I created (you'll see his information in the .ascx file) should authenticate to FuseTalk's API using their code, allowing this user to submit a topic to a global forum without logging into the forum. Remember to:
1) Create a forum with an owner that is not an admin user using their Admin UI
2) Create the exact test user as seen in my .ascx in the FuseTalk forum using the Users section in the FuseTalk Admin
3) Set the forum Authentification properties to use External Authentification by setting the dropdown to YES in the Authentification tab
4) Ensure my loginglobal.ascx is in C:\Program Files\FuseTalk Inc\FuseTalk .NET\Web\forum\modules\authentication after you install FuseTalk. Take a look at their login.ascx, it's a straight copy and tweak from that as they told me this was fine to do.
5) You'll need to create 2 virtual directories, one called forum and the other called globaladmin. The path to those in IIS should be \Program Files\FuseTalk Inc\FuseTalk .NET\Web\forum and \Program Files\FuseTalk Inc\FuseTalk .NET\Web\globaladmin respectively.
You have to install fusetalk first:
Check out my video here as it shows it's clearly not working for me:
Here's my .ascx code that I'm testing with; I stripped out everything and just left in the part that should force an automatic authentification on my test user. This is a direct copy of their sample with a few simple tweaks, and using hard coded strings to test out a user:
Related fusetalk docs:
- general sh$$ documentation from them
- sh$$ documentation on how to create the custom authentification script
Pardon my French....but it's been a frustrating experience with this mom & pop type forum shop that they seem to run.