I've created a macro when you print a form it sends a soft copy to a group email box.
But I've having problems with some people who have Outlook 2003 but not all any ideas?
The marco is below
emailADD = ""
Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)
Ebody = "Leaver Mover New Start Change Form" & _
Chr(10) & "Form Type: " & formtype & _
Chr(10) & "Name: " & agent & _
Chr(10) & "Called Name: " & calledname & _
Chr(10) & "Medical Considerations: " & medical & _
Chr(10) & "Current Job Title: " & jobtitle & _
Chr(10) & "Current Department: " & deptnow & _
Chr(10) & "Change or Departure Date: " & changedate & _
Chr(10) & "Last Day Live in Team: " & lastlive & _
Chr(10) & "New Job Title: " & newjobtitle & _
Chr(10) & "New Department: " & deptnew & _
Chr(10) & "New Hire Job Title: " & newhiretitle & _
Chr(10) & "New Hire Department: " & newhiredept & _
Chr(10) & "New Hire Start Date: " & startdate & _
Chr(10) & "Live In Account Target: " & onlinedate & _
Chr(10) & "Live In Account Target: " & newonlinedate & _
Chr(10) & "Contract Duration: " & contractdur & _
Chr(10) & "Contract Type: " & contracttype & _
Chr(10) & "Contract Hours: " & contracthrs & _
Chr(10) & "Contract Agreement: " & contractagree & _
Chr(10) & "Native Language: " & langnative & _
Chr(10) & "Support Language One: " & langtwo & _
Chr(10) & "Support Language Two: " & langthree & _
Chr(10) & "Support Language Three: " & langfour & _
Chr(10) & "Support Language Four: " & langfive
Set App = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set Itm = App.CreateItem(0)
With Itm
.Subject = formtype & " " & deptnow & " " & newhiredept
.To =
.Body = Ebody
End With
Set App = Nothing
Set Itm = Nothing
End Sub
But I've having problems with some people who have Outlook 2003 but not all any ideas?
The marco is below
emailADD = ""
Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)
Ebody = "Leaver Mover New Start Change Form" & _
Chr(10) & "Form Type: " & formtype & _
Chr(10) & "Name: " & agent & _
Chr(10) & "Called Name: " & calledname & _
Chr(10) & "Medical Considerations: " & medical & _
Chr(10) & "Current Job Title: " & jobtitle & _
Chr(10) & "Current Department: " & deptnow & _
Chr(10) & "Change or Departure Date: " & changedate & _
Chr(10) & "Last Day Live in Team: " & lastlive & _
Chr(10) & "New Job Title: " & newjobtitle & _
Chr(10) & "New Department: " & deptnew & _
Chr(10) & "New Hire Job Title: " & newhiretitle & _
Chr(10) & "New Hire Department: " & newhiredept & _
Chr(10) & "New Hire Start Date: " & startdate & _
Chr(10) & "Live In Account Target: " & onlinedate & _
Chr(10) & "Live In Account Target: " & newonlinedate & _
Chr(10) & "Contract Duration: " & contractdur & _
Chr(10) & "Contract Type: " & contracttype & _
Chr(10) & "Contract Hours: " & contracthrs & _
Chr(10) & "Contract Agreement: " & contractagree & _
Chr(10) & "Native Language: " & langnative & _
Chr(10) & "Support Language One: " & langtwo & _
Chr(10) & "Support Language Two: " & langthree & _
Chr(10) & "Support Language Three: " & langfour & _
Chr(10) & "Support Language Four: " & langfive
Set App = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set Itm = App.CreateItem(0)
With Itm
.Subject = formtype & " " & deptnow & " " & newhiredept
.To =
.Body = Ebody
End With
Set App = Nothing
Set Itm = Nothing
End Sub