I am having trouble getting a calculation to work. I'm trying to get the difference between two columns. The two colums are in a GF3 section. The first column is from a summary (Minimum of apptmt_t.appt_time) to get the starting time of the doctor's day. The second column is from a summary (Maximum of apptmt_t.appt_time) to get the ending time of the doctor's day. I'm trying to get the difference between these two fields to evaluate if the doctor was in for a full day or a half day. If the difference is greater than 330, then I want a new field to show a 1. If it's less that 330, then I want it to show .5 (for half day). Then I was planning on totaling this new field in the Group Footer 2 section to show the total days a doctor has worked for the month. Is it possible to do a calculation of fields in a group footer 3 section?