Hello everyone
I am having a problem using the command method. Basically I am trying to get a value returned from SQL Server. I have written a sql stored procedure which works I think, it looks like this:
CREATE procedure dbo.sp_add_to_clip_library (@id integer output)
-- Creates a new clip in the clip library with blank attributes
-- and the given clip id
begin transaction
insert into W_Clip_Library (ClipID)
values (null)
set @id = @@identity
Now the VB command should have id returned, but it doesn't I have set up the connection and the append command looks like this:
Public Sub ADOadd_to_table(objConn, stored_procedure, id)
Dim objCmd As New ADODB.Command
objCmd.ActiveConnection = objConn
objCmd.CommandText = stored_procedure
objCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
objCmd.Parameters.Append _
objCmd.CreateParameter("period_id", adInteger, adParamOutput, 32, id)
End Sub
However id it still always = 0
It makes no sense
can you help??
I am having a problem using the command method. Basically I am trying to get a value returned from SQL Server. I have written a sql stored procedure which works I think, it looks like this:
CREATE procedure dbo.sp_add_to_clip_library (@id integer output)
-- Creates a new clip in the clip library with blank attributes
-- and the given clip id
begin transaction
insert into W_Clip_Library (ClipID)
values (null)
set @id = @@identity
Now the VB command should have id returned, but it doesn't I have set up the connection and the append command looks like this:
Public Sub ADOadd_to_table(objConn, stored_procedure, id)
Dim objCmd As New ADODB.Command
objCmd.ActiveConnection = objConn
objCmd.CommandText = stored_procedure
objCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
objCmd.Parameters.Append _
objCmd.CreateParameter("period_id", adInteger, adParamOutput, 32, id)
End Sub
However id it still always = 0
It makes no sense
can you help??