Technical User
Okay this one has stumped me for a while now. We have a split access database on a Novell network. (The data tables are on the network in and mdb file. The forms, queries, macs are distrubuted to users C: drive in order to speed up the database. The Distrubuted Forms,queries, and macs are linked to the Main Data Tables.) We keep our workgroup .mdw file also on the network for everyone in our workgroup to look at. For some reason when we set permissions in the .mdw file they do not affect other users computers. For example if we allow a certain user to be able to only view data for some reason the changes won't take effect. With his login on one computer he might have full permissions. With his login on a different computer he might have no permissions. With his login in another computer he might have the permissions we set. Could it be that are workgroup .mdw needs to be distributed to the C:\ of the users computers also? Can you not put the .mdw file on the network???? (Even though changes to .mdw would need to be downloaded to individual computers for changes to take effect.) Could it be the Novell Network??? Please help any ideas would be helpful. I have tried many things running out of ideas. Its like the computers are all looking at different .mdw files but I know they are not. They are all viewing the same file on the Network. I checked and double checked. Please Post any ideas. THX