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Problems Using SQL "LIKE"

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May 9, 2000
I am trying to compare a string value from form input with the a string in the database. However the sql Like does not seem to work. I have tried and tried but can't seem to create a match.

Following is some of my code.

Journal = Request.Form("journal")
findpub = "Select * " &_
"From Publication " &_
"Where 'Publication.Journal' Like '&JournalIn&%'"

Am I doing it correctly or is there a better way for this to work?

Thanx for any suggestions.

objRS.Filter = "journal like " & "'%" & "journal" & "%'"

Kevin [sig][/sig]
Thanks for your help kevink, your solution works however does not solve my problem. I worked why it doesnt work, it seems that it only works for singular works.

However I require it to match more than one word at a time.
e.g. "Journal Number 58" needs to be checked. If I put in just "Journal" the records come back succesfully but I need the whole string.

Is there a way that I can compare the whole string?
Have you got any suggestions? or does anyone else have any suggestion?

The following is my code:

Journal = Request.Form("journal")
findpub = "Select * " &_
"From Publication "

Set matchpub = cn.Execute(findpub, , adCmdText)

matchpub.Filter = "journal like " & "'%" & "journal" & "%'"

While Not matchpub.EOF
Response.Write matchpub(&quot;Author&quot;) &&quot; <br>&quot;

Thanx for any suggestions. [sig][/sig]
Hmm .. it won't work unless the search phrase is exactly the same as the record entry ....

Have you tried other ideas - like creating drop down lists which are exactly the record entry etc., or does it have to be a search form?

If it has to be a seach form, then the only way I can think off is to split() the search phrase up and then do a query using WHERE AND clauses

Kevin [sig][/sig]
Get rid of double quotes in your filter expression and put it as follows:
matchpub.Filter = &quot;journal like &quot; & &quot;'%&quot; & journal & &quot;%'&quot;
It's because when you use it like [red]&quot;journal&quot;[/red] your filter's looking for the title(if that's the field you're quering), containing word &quot;journal&quot;.
But you need to use a variable journal= request.form(&quot;journal&quot;) instead. Meaning the value of this variable.
Thanx alot guestg your suggestion works. I now have a fully functional search engine.

Thanx again
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Part and Inventory Search

