I finally got connected to the Xerox colour laser at work today - but it will not print my file from Pagemaker, created as a A3 double-sided spread. Although equipped to handle A3 paper (420mm x 297mm) it automatically shrunk the page down to A4 (210mm x 297mm).
I know there are several places one has to specify the printer settings (two in PM itself, and one under the Printer Properties in the Control Panel of Windows) but I am at a loss to know what else to try. It will print from A4 PM docs, and also print A3 docs from Word, but not PM. Anyone here ever used one of these printers and can advise me?
I know there are several places one has to specify the printer settings (two in PM itself, and one under the Printer Properties in the Control Panel of Windows) but I am at a loss to know what else to try. It will print from A4 PM docs, and also print A3 docs from Word, but not PM. Anyone here ever used one of these printers and can advise me?