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Problems printing all of a JTable on 2 pages

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Technical User
May 4, 2002

I'm trying to print a JTable (in a JScrollPane in a JFrame) which has 8 rows and a header. I can fit 5 rows on the first page but the second page only will display the 6th row and a little of the 7th and none of the 8th. It appears to me that this is exactly what is showing on the screen and that is exactly what prints and no more. I can't seem to get the whole thing! I've found that if I set the viewport of the scroll pane smaller, that's all that prints, so I'm printing the viewport. I've set the getScrollableTracksViewportHeight to true, but this doesn't work. I appear to have the entire table without the vertical scroll bar, but the off-screen part still doesn't print. The viewport size is 690 x 1000 which should be generous, since the table is only 720 pixels high. I'm printing the JScrollPane rather than the frame but both produce the same. Both pages share the same PageFormat.

This is an inner class.

class PrintTable extends JTable implements Printable, Pageable{
PageFormat pf;
int clipHeight;
int tableHeight;
JScrollPane jsp;

PrintTable(TableModel tm,PageFormat pf){
this.pf = pf;
setDefaultRenderer(JTextArea.class,new TextRenderer()); //renderer is JTextArea
setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(690,1000));
TableColumnModel defaultTCM = getColumnModel();
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) defaultTCM.getColumn(i).setPreferredWidth(100);
populateTable(SAName); //this gets data into the table from the db
frame = new JFrame();
JViewport jvp = new JViewport();
jvp.setView(new RowNumberHeader(this));
jsp = new JScrollPane(this);
frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we){ }

public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pf, int index){
Rectangle clipRect = new Rectangle(0,0,0,0);
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
JTableHeader head = getTableHeader();
int xCoord = (int)pf.getImageableX();
int yCoord = (int)pf.getImageableY();
int width = (int)pf.getImageableWidth();
int lastRow = rowAtPoint(new Point(xCoord,yCoord+500));
Rectangle rect = getCellRect(lastRow-1,0,true); //the bounds of the last fully visible cell.
clipHeight = rect.y+rect.height+head.getHeight();
g2d.translate(xCoord,yCoord); //moves the image onto the page's imageable area
int pixelIndex = index*clipHeight;
if (pixelIndex<getHeight()) {
System.out.println(&quot;PrintTable.print>pixelIndex= &quot;+pixelIndex);
return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS;
return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE;
public Printable getPrintable(int index){
return this;
public PageFormat getPageFormat(int index){
return pf;
public int getNumberOfPages(){
return 2;
public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportHeight(){
return false;
I'm running out of paper and patience!

Roy from Iowa
When you print from Swing, it uses the Graphics device of the current viewable area on the screem - ie the current viewport. This is because there is no point in rendering a part of the application that is not currently available to be viewed in the monitor.
Printing in Swing uses this viewable area Graphics object to render the printable area and send it to the printer - so unless you can find a way of &quot;paging&quot; your application and printing each &quot;page&quot;, I don't believe it is possible.
Jdk version1.5 has printing support for JTables :

public enum PrintMode {

* Printing mode that prints the table at its current size,
* spreading both columns and rows across multiple pages if necessary.

* Printing mode that scales the output smaller, if necessary,
* to fit the table's entire width (and thereby all columns) on each page;
* Rows are spread across multiple pages as necessary.
hologram :

Haven't seen you around for a while !

I haven't tried 1.5 yet, but in your opinion, is this in effect rendering &quot;offscreen&quot; elements of the Swing component into the Graphics device - hence enabling it to print ?

Indeed, it has been a while. It's very busy at work, and my father died in december last year and I was not in the mood.
I haven't tried anything from 1.5 yet.
Sorry to hear that. Best wishes.
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