I'm new to using Crystal Reports. I've made some assumptions in trying to get my report working. I'm having real trouble passing a parameter to CR8.
I'm using the standard code
set ParamDefCollection = Session("oRpt".Parameterfields
'this creates the parameter collection
set session("Param" =ParamDefCollection
'this creates the parameter
set MyParam1 =session("Param".item(1)
'this sets it's value
call MyParam1.SetCurrentValue(Cstr("myval",10)
Application and report objects are defined.
Where myval is a string of 6 characters.
If I include this I get an error:
Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01F4)
Variable is undefined: 'ParamDefCollection'
/tfbtsdev/ReportSelect.asp, line 110
If I don't then the report opens with whatever I last saved it with (I have turned off 'save data with report')
I've defined a parameter in the report of type string. But when I open the report in a web browser it never asks for it or more importantly expects it to be passed to it. Only when I open the report and refresh in CR8 does it asks me for a value.
Anybody out there know what's going wrong?
The server is Windows 2000 and SQL2000 with IIS 5.
I'm using the standard code
set ParamDefCollection = Session("oRpt".Parameterfields
'this creates the parameter collection
set session("Param" =ParamDefCollection
'this creates the parameter
set MyParam1 =session("Param".item(1)
'this sets it's value
call MyParam1.SetCurrentValue(Cstr("myval",10)
Application and report objects are defined.
Where myval is a string of 6 characters.
If I include this I get an error:
Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01F4)
Variable is undefined: 'ParamDefCollection'
/tfbtsdev/ReportSelect.asp, line 110
If I don't then the report opens with whatever I last saved it with (I have turned off 'save data with report')
I've defined a parameter in the report of type string. But when I open the report in a web browser it never asks for it or more importantly expects it to be passed to it. Only when I open the report and refresh in CR8 does it asks me for a value.
Anybody out there know what's going wrong?
The server is Windows 2000 and SQL2000 with IIS 5.