I have a data entry form. It has many fields describing a catalog and how it is filed. Many of the catalogs we receive are in different formats. There are catalogs, cd's and what we call "datasheets". Datasheets (as the name suggests) are simply single, or groups of sheets with product-specific data. When we file these datasheets, we do so alphabetically within binders corresponding to the vendor name on their cover. In other words, we have binders for every letter of the alphabet. On my form, I have a list box that constrains the user to select from either of these three formats. I have it so that if datasheet is selected, the focus jumps to the binder combo box. One problem I have noticed is, when people are entering in many catalogs, datasheets and cd's they may forget to choose the binder that it's in if datasheet is the format. This screws up our labels, resulting in mis-filing. I can't make the binder field required because it isn't; catalogs would not fit in this category. I do, however, want to make them required if datasheet was selected as the format. I want a msgbox defined by myself to warn users if they overlook the binder field, and I want the required property set to true if the datasheet is selected. I've written some code already, but nothing has worked (not that I'm exceptionally good at VBA). Anyway, I'll show you what I tried, I won't be surprised if it's got bad syntax or bad logic. I would love some help. thanks
(after update event)
Dan Eaton
(after update event)
Dim Msg, Style
Me!cboBinder.Required = True
If Me!cboBinder = Null Then
Msg = "It is required that you enter which binder the datasheet will be filed under!"
Style = vbInformation
If MsgBox(Msg, Style, "Binder Requirement") = vbOK Then
End If
End If
Dan Eaton