just for example.... i have a .rep file i exported it to .xls file saved it on c:\
one of the columns that it contains is "dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm:ss"...
then i wanted to open this .xls file using BO again using Personal Data Files but it only shows those rows which are dd.mm.yyyy 00:00:00 , it does not show me the rows which have something other than dd.mm.yyyy 00:00:00
plz, can you help me? thanks in advance
just for example.... i have a .rep file i exported it to .xls file saved it on c:\
one of the columns that it contains is "dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm:ss"...
then i wanted to open this .xls file using BO again using Personal Data Files but it only shows those rows which are dd.mm.yyyy 00:00:00 , it does not show me the rows which have something other than dd.mm.yyyy 00:00:00
plz, can you help me? thanks in advance