Technical User
I've had some experience with visual basics in excel but I'm having problems getting started in access. I can create tables and relationships but I want to use VBA to go through records compare values in fields, change values, add and remove records. I've followed examples in the help menu e.g.:
Sub FindRecord()
Dim dbs As Database, rst As Recordset
Dim strCriteria As String
' Return reference to current database.
Set dbs = CurrentDb
' Define search criteria.
strCriteria = "[ShipCountry] = 'UK' And [OrderDate] >= #1-1-95#"
' Create a dynaset-type Recordset object based on Orders table.
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("Orders", dbOpenDynaset)
' Find first matching record.
rst.FindFirst strCriteria
' Check if record is found.
If rst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "No record found."
' Find other matching records.
Do Until rst.NoMatch
Debug.Print rst!ShipCountry; " "; rst!OrderDate
rst.FindNext strCriteria
End If
Set dbs = Nothing
End Sub
But the ‘Dim dbs As Database’ part gives a ‘User-defined type not defined’ error message. If I comment out declaring the database object it seems to work ok. And if I declare the recordset I get a ‘Method or data member not found’ for this line ‘rst.FindFirst strCriteria’. It just seemed a bit strange that it didn’t work when I declared some variables. I’m using access 2002 if anyone had any ideas.
Sub FindRecord()
Dim dbs As Database, rst As Recordset
Dim strCriteria As String
' Return reference to current database.
Set dbs = CurrentDb
' Define search criteria.
strCriteria = "[ShipCountry] = 'UK' And [OrderDate] >= #1-1-95#"
' Create a dynaset-type Recordset object based on Orders table.
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("Orders", dbOpenDynaset)
' Find first matching record.
rst.FindFirst strCriteria
' Check if record is found.
If rst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "No record found."
' Find other matching records.
Do Until rst.NoMatch
Debug.Print rst!ShipCountry; " "; rst!OrderDate
rst.FindNext strCriteria
End If
Set dbs = Nothing
End Sub
But the ‘Dim dbs As Database’ part gives a ‘User-defined type not defined’ error message. If I comment out declaring the database object it seems to work ok. And if I declare the recordset I get a ‘Method or data member not found’ for this line ‘rst.FindFirst strCriteria’. It just seemed a bit strange that it didn’t work when I declared some variables. I’m using access 2002 if anyone had any ideas.