My computer is a Pentium III 866, running Windows ME and use a 56K external modem. I have been having intermittent problems when dialling my ISP, this normally happens in the late afternoon or evenings. I dial up, then the message, "Dialling", then "Checking User Name and Password", then after a while, a message, "Check Your User Name and Password". I never type my User Name or Password, as these are set for remember. There have also been some occasions where the message appears "Checking User Name and Password" then nothing further happens, when I press "Cancel", the message "Disconnecting" comes up then nothing happens, finally after pressing Control - Alt - Delete, I can close the Dial Up Window, I pick up the phone and we are still connected, I can only disconnect by re booting.
When I try the computer first thing in the morning, there is never any problem connecting.
I have rung my ISP on 4 occasions, while on the phone I have made the following changes -
1/ Reinstalled dial up Networking.
2/ Increased "Cancel the call if not connected" from 60 Seconds to 120 Seconds.
I have removed and re installed the modem software, run Norton Utilities 2001 checking for Windows ME faults, along with Norton Utilities 2001 doing a Modem check, there were no Windows problems and the modem passed the test. To further prove the modem, I have borrowed my friends 56K external modem and installed the software, yet the problem still exists.
I did have a Firewall, Zone Alarm installed, I have uninstalled, same problem.
When the problem occurs, I have re booted the computer, still the same problem.
The ISP now tells me there is nothing wrong their end and the fault is on my computer. I have now spent $50.00 for my computer to be checked, the report is "Computer is OK".
Is it possible my ISP is so busy that there are enough modems to connect but not enough server space, no use asking them as they would deny this claim.
Is there any known virus that could cause this to happen?
Why always in the late afternoon or evening and never in the morning?
The problem I am encountering is the craziest I have ever experienced, I do not know where to turn for advise and would appreciate if anybody could assist in helping me to solve the problem.
When I try the computer first thing in the morning, there is never any problem connecting.
I have rung my ISP on 4 occasions, while on the phone I have made the following changes -
1/ Reinstalled dial up Networking.
2/ Increased "Cancel the call if not connected" from 60 Seconds to 120 Seconds.
I have removed and re installed the modem software, run Norton Utilities 2001 checking for Windows ME faults, along with Norton Utilities 2001 doing a Modem check, there were no Windows problems and the modem passed the test. To further prove the modem, I have borrowed my friends 56K external modem and installed the software, yet the problem still exists.
I did have a Firewall, Zone Alarm installed, I have uninstalled, same problem.
When the problem occurs, I have re booted the computer, still the same problem.
The ISP now tells me there is nothing wrong their end and the fault is on my computer. I have now spent $50.00 for my computer to be checked, the report is "Computer is OK".
Is it possible my ISP is so busy that there are enough modems to connect but not enough server space, no use asking them as they would deny this claim.
Is there any known virus that could cause this to happen?
Why always in the late afternoon or evening and never in the morning?
The problem I am encountering is the craziest I have ever experienced, I do not know where to turn for advise and would appreciate if anybody could assist in helping me to solve the problem.