Actually we try to configure the discovery of the oracle databases in ECC 5.2 SP1. The operating system and the versión 9.2 its included in the Compatibility Matrix.
When i try configure the following
Servidor: testing
ORACLE_SID = prueba1
Usuario ecc= ecc
Listener Port number: 1523
We get the following message:
SESSION_ACTION: Discover [1] MO Type = DbInstance DatabaseKind=Oracle | HostName=testing.ef97ea29 | OracleBase=/oracle/app/oracle9.2/ | OracleHome=/oracle/app/oracle9.2/product/9.2.0 |
OracleSID=prueba1 | ListenerPort=1523 |
SysUserPassword=****** | AgentUserName=ecc |
AgentUserPassword=****** | SymapiPort=2707
command status = finished, errors
objects found = 0 agents responding = 1
completed in 5 seconds
action begins at: Wed May 04 15:51:43 COT 2005
action ends at: Wed May 04 15:51:48 COT 2005
Reported agent errors:
[1] ADAResult:
ADAErrorSet: 9: Failed connecting to the database instance prueba1 with provided sys user and password due to Error while trying to retrieve text for error
Responding agent persistent Id: 829047
Responding agents:
[1] {ID=829047} Oracle Agent @ testing.ef97ea29
Could you help me.
When i try configure the following
Servidor: testing
ORACLE_SID = prueba1
Usuario ecc= ecc
Listener Port number: 1523
We get the following message:
SESSION_ACTION: Discover [1] MO Type = DbInstance DatabaseKind=Oracle | HostName=testing.ef97ea29 | OracleBase=/oracle/app/oracle9.2/ | OracleHome=/oracle/app/oracle9.2/product/9.2.0 |
OracleSID=prueba1 | ListenerPort=1523 |
SysUserPassword=****** | AgentUserName=ecc |
AgentUserPassword=****** | SymapiPort=2707
command status = finished, errors
objects found = 0 agents responding = 1
completed in 5 seconds
action begins at: Wed May 04 15:51:43 COT 2005
action ends at: Wed May 04 15:51:48 COT 2005
Reported agent errors:
[1] ADAResult:
ADAErrorSet: 9: Failed connecting to the database instance prueba1 with provided sys user and password due to Error while trying to retrieve text for error
Responding agent persistent Id: 829047
Responding agents:
[1] {ID=829047} Oracle Agent @ testing.ef97ea29
Could you help me.