I have a Partner II rel 4.1 and a third party voicemail hooked up to SLT ports in group 7. I am trying to do a unsupervised conference initiated by the voicemail with 2 outside lines and then having the voice mail drop out leaving the outside parties connected.
I can do this with a keyset with out a problem. But when I try this with a voicemail port The conference is estabolished but cant be unsupervised. every time the party is disconnected.
The string is the call is answered then HF,pause,Number,pause,HF,HF. I have tried with out the hookflash's at the end or just 1 or 3. With 1 the conference is made but then the call is disconnected as soon as the SLT port hangs up. Any ides or is this just not possible with the Partner II. What about the ACS would it be possible with that.
Thanks for the info,
Richard S. McCranie
CoMatrix Southeast
I can do this with a keyset with out a problem. But when I try this with a voicemail port The conference is estabolished but cant be unsupervised. every time the party is disconnected.
The string is the call is answered then HF,pause,Number,pause,HF,HF. I have tried with out the hookflash's at the end or just 1 or 3. With 1 the conference is made but then the call is disconnected as soon as the SLT port hangs up. Any ides or is this just not possible with the Partner II. What about the ACS would it be possible with that.
Thanks for the info,
Richard S. McCranie
CoMatrix Southeast