First of all: I'm not a Fortran programmer, and the code I need to use is also the first Fortran code I try to compile.
For my work I need to work with MOLSCAT ( but I simply can't get it to compile.
I'm working on a Debian Squeeze system and I have installed the fortran compilers, lapack and blas package.
when I try:
"gfortran MOLSCATv14.f -o MOLSCATv14.o"
I get a whole lot of:
In file MOLSCATv14.f:2440
GO TO IGO, (9001, 9003, 9004, 9005, 9006)
Warning: Obsolete: Assigned GOTO statement at (1)
" (and similar)
and a lot of
.text+0x73ee): undefined reference to `dcopy_'"
I tried with different compilers, none seems to work.
What am I doing wrong?
thank you in advance,
First of all: I'm not a Fortran programmer, and the code I need to use is also the first Fortran code I try to compile.
For my work I need to work with MOLSCAT ( but I simply can't get it to compile.
I'm working on a Debian Squeeze system and I have installed the fortran compilers, lapack and blas package.
when I try:
"gfortran MOLSCATv14.f -o MOLSCATv14.o"
I get a whole lot of:
In file MOLSCATv14.f:2440
GO TO IGO, (9001, 9003, 9004, 9005, 9006)
Warning: Obsolete: Assigned GOTO statement at (1)
" (and similar)
and a lot of
I tried with different compilers, none seems to work.
What am I doing wrong?
thank you in advance,