Dear tek-tips people,
maybe you can help me with the following VBScript problem: I am calling an Excel VBA macro from a VBScript, the problem is: The macro is run twice - though I only call it once...!
Here are the details: I am running a batch file which calls a VBScript together with a command line argument (plus a redirect of the output to a log file). The batch file looks like this:
Both batch file and VBScript are generated automatically, the batch file is then executed by an external program.
The VBScript assumes a specific Excel workbook is open and calls a VBA macro in that workbook, passing the command line argument ("VBA Argument", above) as an argument to the Excel VBA macro. The VBScript looks like this:
As stated above: The code basically works fine, but the problem is that the Excel VBA macro is executed twice...
Can you help me... What is going wrong??
Thank you very much!
maybe you can help me with the following VBScript problem: I am calling an Excel VBA macro from a VBScript, the problem is: The macro is run twice - though I only call it once...!
Here are the details: I am running a batch file which calls a VBScript together with a command line argument (plus a redirect of the output to a log file). The batch file looks like this:
CScript //nologo "C:\Some Path\MyScript.vbs" "VBA Argument" >> "C:\Some Path\My Errlog.log"
Both batch file and VBScript are generated automatically, the batch file is then executed by an external program.
The VBScript assumes a specific Excel workbook is open and calls a VBA macro in that workbook, passing the command line argument ("VBA Argument", above) as an argument to the Excel VBA macro. The VBScript looks like this:
Set XLHandle = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
XLHandle.DisplayAlerts = False
XLHandle.Visible = False
On Error Resume Next
sWbkPath = "C:\MyPath\"
sWbkName = "temp 123.xls"
sWbkFullName = "'" & sWbkPath & sWbkName & "'!"
sMacroName = "Test2" & "(" & Chr(34) & WScript.Arguments(0) & Chr(34) & ")"
sMacroName = sWbkFullName & sMacroName
'WScript.echo sMacroName
XLHandle.Run sMacroName
boolRC = Err.Number <> 0
On Error GoTo 0
If boolRC Then
WScript.Echo Time() & ": Run Excel Macro, Failed to call macro | Incorrect or not existing macro"
WScript.Echo Time() & ": Run Excel Macro, Successfully invoked macro"
End If
Set XLHandle = Nothing
As stated above: The code basically works fine, but the problem is that the Excel VBA macro is executed twice...
Can you help me... What is going wrong??
Thank you very much!