Hi, i begin to use Struts 1.2 and the first problem than i had found is with tag <html:form>. i can't to set up the properties beanName neither beanType of the tag <html:form>, i obtain the following error:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /login.jsp(30,0) atributo beanName no es valido de acuerdo con el TLD especificado
but, i have seen strut-html.tld and it don't none reference to beanName or beanType properties, then, how do you do reference to the name of the formBean in the JSP??
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /login.jsp(30,0) atributo beanName no es valido de acuerdo con el TLD especificado
but, i have seen strut-html.tld and it don't none reference to beanName or beanType properties, then, how do you do reference to the name of the formBean in the JSP??